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Chapter 1: It's my fault she died - Part One
Chapter Text
“Doctor? What’s wrong?” Yaz asked seeing the doctor sitting by the console of her Tardis, what looked like a photograph in hand.

The blonde doctor didn’t need to say anything, Yaz sat beside her, grabbing her hand and squeezing gently “Who was she?”

“She was…” The doctor looked up at Yaz, with such heartache and so much love for this person she was about to open up about “She was, amazing. She was something else, beautiful, a Queen in her own right, a badass with a gun, hell in high heels.”

“She was important to you?” Yaz asked

“Yes, she was, Yaz she was my wife.” The doctor smiled, reminiscently down at the photograph she was clutching of the two of them.

“What happened?”

“She died.” The doctor suddenly stood up putting the photo in her pocket.

“Whoa who whoa…” Yaz followed, grabbing at the doctors arm “You can’t do that doctor! You can’t just bottle up all your feelings when you don’t want to talk about”

“Oh really? Just watch me.” The doctor huffed walking round the console of the Tardis.

Yaz went the opposite way round “Because you may be an alien, who is over a 1000 years old, but your emotions are still valid and still worth something, it’s okay to be emotional and to talk about them.” Yaz smiled softly as she reached the doctor looking at her gently, not wanting to push but needing for her to understand that if she wanted to talk, she would be heard.

“It’s my fault she died.” The doctor trembled, trying to keep it together. “Her name was Melody Pond, she became my bespoked psychopath... River Song. The only water they have in the gam-a forests is a river… and so her name became translated to River Song. My wife, the love of my life and I didn’t always show her how much I truly loved her and I just-”

“You worry she didn’t know how much you loved her?”

“She died when I didn’t even know her.” The doctor replied “I didn’t have a clue who she was it was my first time meeting her.”

“What? That doesn’t make sense…” Yaz frowned in confussion

“You’re telling me. We’re both time travellers you see, so we always meet in the wrong order, her future is my past-”

And before the doctor could finish the doors to the Tardis swung open.

The doctor and Yaz both looked round to see a woman, smartly dressed, red high heels, red lip stick and big curly hair standing there, hands on hip with a big smile smeared across her face.

“Doctor, who is that?” Yaz gulped holding onto the blondes arm a little too tight

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