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Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be


Alex was frazzled. It had been an extremely busy day, an even longer week, and with her schedule over the past month allowing her barely any time to breathe, let alone think properly, she was very much looking forward to getting home and relaxing for the rest of the weekend. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be happening quite as quickly as she'd like.

She didn't know what it was, but it seemed like all the shops were overrun by packs of people, much more so than usual today, and she was not enjoying it. After more than two weeks' worth of filming obligations in Canada, she'd only returned home last night and had had to rush back out first thing this morning for an audition and then a meeting with her agent. She would have loved nothing more than to have gone straight home after the meeting, but she'd had a few errands to run - and thus, here she was, middle of the day, shopping in hand, as she made her way through the crowds of Los Angeles.

She had just stopped in front of a small restaurant she occasionally visited while out shopping like today, wishing idly that she had the time or energy to stop before she had to meet Salome after school, when she heard a shout from not very far away.


She looked up, startled. She knew that voice - the owner was loud and Scottish and it unmistakably belonged to Karen Gillan. But before she could discern where the girl was, another equally familiar voice called out to her.

"Kingston! Over here!"

It was Matt. Her head was instantly drawn in the direction of his voice, like radar, quickly spotting he and Karen sitting in the outdoor dining area of the very restaurant she had just been contemplating.

Her exhaustion and hectic schedule instantly forgotten, Alex felt a grin rush to her face as she made her way across the street and closer to the pair of them.

"What are you two doing here?"

"Having lunch, what does it look like?" Karen answered with a boisterous laugh. "We just got here. Get over here and join us already!"

Glancing down quickly to check the time, Alex reasoned she could spare a half hour after all. Opening the gate that separated the restaurant seating from the street, she walked over to their table. Karen rose quickly and threw her arms around Alex, which she returned enthusiastically. Although they now lived in the same city, it wasn't as if they saw each other frequently, especially with each of their hectic lives.

As soon as Karen let go of her, Alex turned around and was instantly engulfed by Matt and his gangly limbs, which were giving her one of her favorite patented Matt's Full Body Hugs. "God, it's been forever, Alex!" he said wistfully, grinning with his face buried in her hair.

"Lord, it's been an age, darling!" she cried happily, pulling back just enough to press a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth and then returning his hug with vigor, her bags still dangling from her hands behind his back.

When they finally broke apart, Alex bent to place her things on the ground and sat in an empty seat between the two of them. Before she had a chance to say anything, Karen forged ahead first.

"So, Alex, how've you been? It's been a while since we talked. Any scandalous stories to entertain us?"

Alex laughed heartily as she glanced down, noting that neither Karen or Matt had food in front of them and their menus were still on the table. She picked Matt's up from in front of him and gave it a quick glance over. "Oh, no dear, not unless you count multiple aggravating plane rides, a slew of early mornings and late nights, and a particularly boorish producer as scandalous, I'm afraid I've got nothing of interest to share."

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