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“There. War stopped, planet saved!” Says the Doctor, triumphant as she watches the last of the spacecrafts take off. “Not bad for an afternoon wouldn’t you say dear?” She turns to face River with an ‘aren’t I clever’ grin, only to find herself alone. “River?”

“Doctor!” It’s Ryan and Yaz running towards her, with Graham following behind.

“What are you lot doing here? I thought you were gonna wait by -”

“The pyramid!” Comes a shout from across the town square. “The pyramid of life is gone!”


“Can’t you just follow her like before? Track the signal or whatever it was?” Asks Ryan as the Doctor stands at the console, quietly fuming.

“No, already checked that and she didn’t use her vortex manipulator. Which means…” She angrily jabs a button, trying to get the Tardis flight log up on screen, which the ship was currently refusing to give up. She hangs her head, defeated. “It means she probably took the Tardis, did whatever she wanted to do with that damn pyramid then parked it back here a few seconds later after she was done.”

“Hang on,” says Graham. “She can fly this thing?”

“Yes,” grumbles the Doctor. “She’s sort of - her daughter. It’s complicated.”

“Again with the ‘sort of’” Graham throws his hands up in defeat.

“How can a spaceship be her mum?” Ryan sounds completely confused.

“I’m starting to think the Tardis is more than a spaceship.”

“And you would be correct! Smart girl,” The Doctor points at Yaz.

“So…” Says Ryan. “What are we gonna do?”

“ We  ...are gonna do nothing - I can see how tired you lot look… sorry,” she says, a bit guilty. She really needed to set an alarm or something to remind her when her human companions probably needed sleep. “You all go and rest, I’ll sort this out.”

“Now that you mention it Doc I could use forty winks or so.” Graham says, sounding grateful.

“I suppose… if you’re sure you don’t need our help?” Checks Yaz.

“Nah, I’ll be fine. Off you go. She shouldn’t have moved the rooms about but maybe check before you open the doors and just walk in. Did that once and ended up in in the swimming pool.”

“Right,” says Ryan as her companions look at her a bit strangely.

“Night then Doctor,” says Yaz before they trail out of the console room.

The Doctor sighs, turning to face the scanner again.

“Well I thought they’d never leave.”

She whirls round to come face to face with her wife, standing just behind her.

“You!” She fumes, and River quickly puts her hands up.

“I’m not the me you’re cross at sweetie. That was, oh…” She trails her fingers along one of the big glowing pillars round the console as she moves closer. “Three hundred or so years ago. Give or take.”

The Doctor stares at her a moment, trying to work out where that would put her. “So, you were young then,” she finally manages to say.

“Mmhmm. And you’re old .”

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