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Love is my crime so, baby, come catch me and let's do the time


Alex was just sitting down with a cup of tea, relaxing in front of the television before bed, when her phone rang. Startled, hardly expecting a call at nearly midnight, she felt a knot of apprehension form in her chest. Nothing good tended to come from unexpected late-night phone calls.

Looking down at the caller ID, she saw Matt's name pop up. Silently pleased to hear from her former costar, but pondering what he could possibly want, she hit the answer button.

"Hello? Matt?'

"Kingston! Hi! How are you doing?" Matt's voice on the other end of the line was bright and upbeat, perhaps a tad bit too upbeat. She couldn't help but become suspicious.

"Hello, darling. I'm doing quite well," she said happily. "What about you? Is everything all right?" Something had to be wrong. He didn't usually call at this hour of night. Truthfully, he didn't call very often at all. She wasn't sure if this was going to be something to warrant true worry, mere concern, or if she was feeling uneasy for no reason.

"Sure! I mean... why wouldn't everything be all right?" It was then that Alex heard the very slight slurring of his words. That might explain things a bit. Maybe he wasn't quite drunk, but he'd certainly been drinking at some point tonight.

Settling into a more comfortable position on her sofa, Alex allowed herself a moment to think about how to answer his question before responding. "Well... I generally hear from you by means of text, rather than a phone call and unless you happen to be in the next flat over, I don't usually hear from you this late at night - or early in the morning for you, seeing as the sun is probably rising about now over there in England," she said dryly.

Matt was silent for half a moment and Alex could almost hear his apprehension. "No, see, that's the thing, isn't it? I'm not in England. I'm there - well, here! I mean - I'm in LA!"

"Oh!" Alex exclaimed softly, surprise coloring her voice. She didn't know why exactly - Matt made fairly frequent trips to Los Angeles - but something about this whole conversation was keeping her on her toes, almost anticipating the surprise she was sure to feel when the actual reason for the call made itself clear.

"Yeah... surprised, huh?"

"Well, I'd assumed you were home, but you do fly over here pretty often these days. So what brings you to LA this time? An audition?"

"Er - yeah, and a few other meetings and, you know, the usual sort of thing..." he trailed off unhelpfully, obviously hesitant to continue.

He was acting so strangely. He'd obviously called for a reason, likely an important one to explain the hour and the fact that he rarely called at all. But he didn't seem to be getting to the point any time soon or even making an attempt at holding a normal enough conversation. There was nothing else for it. She'd just have to ask.

"Matt, really, is everything all right?" she asked more insistently.

That seemed to jolt him enough to answer. He sighed dejectedly and it was then Alex knew for sure that whatever he was about to say wasn't exactly going to be good news. "I need a favor. It's kinda a big one."

A favor? She didn't know what he could possibly need from her, but at least they were getting somewhere now, and she had to say she was curious, even with the knot of worry still lingering within her.

"A favor?" she repeated cautiously, more than willing to help him in whatever mess he'd gotten himself into, but wary of committing herself to something too outlandish. Whatever sort of mad, insane favor she was envisioning that he could need, Alex wasn't sure. 'It's not like he needs helping burying a body or anything...' "What sort of favor?"

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