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The Doctor sighs as the king disappears out of sight, leaving her alone in the cold town square. She tugs at the ropes again, craning her neck up to glare at the knot. It was complex but not undoable - she just couldn’t quite get enough twist in her wrist to get hold of that first loop - if only she had her damn sonic -

“Well hello sweetie.”

Startled, she jumps, head snapping down to stare as the familiar voice is followed by the appearance of a very familiar face.

“River!? What - how -”

“My, this is a nice surprise,” River purrs, walking slowly over to her, eyeing her bonds.

“What are you doing here?”

“A lot better off than you, it seems.” She stops in front of her and folds her arms, looking amused. “How on earth did you get yourself into this one?”

The Doctor shifts on her feet.

“They think I’m a witch.”

River throws back her head and laughs.

“It’s not funny. They’re gonna duck me in the lake! See if I drown.” She tugs at the ropes. “I could use a hand actually.”

“Certainly,” River says, stepping in close to her and sliding a hand round her waist, leaning in for a quick deep kiss.

“Not what I meant!” The Doctor squeaks when she pulls back.

“I couldn’t resist - seeing you like this sweetie,” River purrs, her eyes dark as she drags them over the Doctors form. “With you all...” she licks her lips. “Tied up.”

“River...” she warns, as her wife steps even closer so their bodies are pressed together, slipping her other hand onto her waist so she can drag both of them up over her sides and back down again, settling them on her hips.

She fidgets, tugging at the rope and trying not to let herself get distracted by River’s close proximity. “Any time now would be great. I’d let myself out but they took my wand. I mean sonic.”

River smirks down at her. “Wherever did you get the impression I was going to let you go?”

Her eyes widen. “Aren’t you?”

“And miss an opportunity like this?” She tugs her closer by her hips, shifting so she can press a thigh between the Doctor’s legs. The Doctor lets out a squeak that she hopes didn’t sound as alarmed as she feels.

“River!” She scolds as River slides her hands back up her body to cup her breasts through her shirt, letting her thumbs glide over the Doctor’s nipples and causing her breath to hitch. She looks round in a panic. “ They already think I’m a witch! If anyone sees us -!”

She quirks an eyebrow at the doctor. “They’ll think you’re a witch and a lesbian?”

She yanks at her bonds again. “It’s the 17th century, there’s no such thing as lesbians.”

River laughs at that. “Sweetie, There was always such a thing as lesbians.”

“Well... I know that . I meant to them.”

River just grins infuriatingly at her, crowding her up against the tree she’s tied to and leaning in to capture her lips in another heated kiss. She presses herself close as she kisses her and the Doctor can’t help but respond, lips parting to let River’s tonge push into her mouth, sliding along her own and kissing her until she melts against her. She only remembers her predicament when she tries to move her hands into River’s hair and is rewarded by an uncomfortable burning tug on her wrists. She pulls back, out of breath.

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