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Don't wanna wake up from you


The first thing to rouse Alex from her restful sleep was the sound of rustling movement behind her. Her ears captured the delicate sound before her brain could fully awaken and make sense of it. But as her senses started to drizzle back to her and the seconds ticked passed, the sound continued. She kept her eyes shut, hoping still to ignore whatever the sound was, still not awake enough to recognize its exact source, but it was getting more conspicuous the longer it went on.

Within a few seconds, the sound of movement was accompanied by the feeling of it. Alex still ignored it, figuring that Matt was simply tossing and turning in his sleep. He did that often enough. It usually wasn't enough to wake her in the middle of the night, but nothing out of the ordinary or to be concerned about. Then she heard a soft, low moan escape the lips of the man behind her.

It still wasn't enough to get her to open her eyes, but her curiosity was piqued. He didn't sound like he was in pain or in the clutches of a nightmare. He could be half-awake and moaning in exhaustion. That was possible. But to Alex, it sounded a bit more like another kind of moan entirely.

Half of her still wanted to pull the covers around her shoulders more securely and go back to sleep, but the other half was curious enough to want to crane her neck back and see exactly what Matt was up to. She was closing in on the decision to open her eyes and turn around when, after a few more seconds of shifting about, Matt suddenly made a much more pronounced movement, turning on his side and scooting closer to her on the mattress. The decision to open her eyes was taken out of her control when she felt him press up against her beneath the covers and wrap his arm tightly around her waist. The moment he did, the reason for his distress became blatantly obvious. The hard, hot length of his erection was now pressed insistently up against her backside, and at the moment of contact, he let a keening groan slip from his lips into the juncture of her shoulder where he now buried his face.

Still blinking the sleep from her eyes, Alex found herself stifling a laugh. She wasn't even sure if he was properly awake or just moving around in his sleep. For the moment, she settled on continuing to feign sleep herself. Now that he was in direct contact with her, he may very well settle back down and be none the wiser to his middle-of-the-night problem come the morning.

Alex shifted and tried to will herself back to sleep, secure in Matt's sleepy yet possessive embrace and smiling to herself at the warm feeling of him pressed against her back. But sleep seemed to be off the table for the moment because the second she moved a muscle, there it was again. Another moan pressed into her neck, and this time it sent a shiver down her spine. His hips gave a small but pointed thrust against her arse and his breath against her skin was quick and ragged as, once again, he let slip another needy moan.

Any thought that he might still be asleep was put to rest when Alex felt the unmistakable sensation of his hand slipping beneath her shirt and his thumb rubbing slow, teasing circles across the bare flesh of her stomach. The soft caresses and warmth of his palm sent a flood of heat pooling in her stomach and before she knew it, her hips, completely of their own accord, were pressing back against the hard length of him.

Matt groaned again, his hand temporarily stilling, pressing more firmly on her stomach, waiting to see if she responded in any other way. She imagined he was wondering whether she was also awake or not. After a few seconds, his fingers continued their movement, twirling and swirling across her skin, slowly up her sternum to the underside of her breasts, then down, even more slowly, towards the waistband of the knickers she slept in. His fingers traced the elastic, sending tiny jolts of electricity through her bones, before dipping shallowly inside and stilling in place. All the while he touched her, his breath was heavy in her ear and his hips moved in small, almost imperceptible thrusts against her, spurring on his tiny gasps of need.

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