Chapter 8

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I finished my coffee - Gerard had convinced me even though it made me feel if anything worse - still debating whether I was actually going to turn up to school or go home. Eventually I decided I would probably not get much of a choice as I would be forced by my fucking teacher to go home, because I was still vomiting. He wasn't getting his way though, I was going to go to school because over much thought I decided it was a better place to be than at home.

''FRANK!'' He yelled knocking me out of my daydream. ''You gotta eat something.''

''I'm fine, I really don't think food would go down to well now actually.'' I sighed because honestly my stomach was feeling rather fragile shall we say, if I ate something I would probably be sick. If anyone was a sickly person it's me, my immune system is yuck as fuck I was ill rather a lot so I was not taking the gamble of vomiting any more than I needed to.

''Just an apple or something, you shouldn't start the day o-''

''I said no.'' I snapped, he looked momentarily shocked but soon his expression became rather angry.

''I didn't ask Frank, it's not healthy.'' He glared at me making it very clear this wasn't going to be an easy win. "You're hungover not ill, eating will absorb any alcohol left and it's good for you."

''I don't fucking care and I haven't got a clue why you do.'' I yelled feeling pretty guilty straight away, if he did care this was only going to make him change his mind. ''Why would you fucking care if I don't eat breakfast?'' His face softened and he looked almost guilty, like he was embarrassed, but he said nothing. ''I'm just a stupid irresponsible kid who can't look after himself.''

''That's not the case, listen if you don't want something then fine, I just don't want you to start the day without energy.'' He said holding my shoulders like you see the stereo-typical dad do to their sons in cliche movies.

''Whatever.'' I shrugged out of his grip shoving my empty mug at him muttering a thank you before walking out to find my jacket and bag. I found my jacket on a chair in the bedroom my bag under it, I rummaged through my bag finding what I needed and sliding it into my back pocket. Standing up I heard what sounded like a vibrating noise, scanning to room I notice my phone was plugged in charging on the bedside table, I'm guessing Gerard had, or did used to have, the same phone.

I picked it up seeing that I had several new messages.

Unknown Number - Ur Ma is so pissed @ u & ur dad even more.

Unknown Number - Ur parents luv me, U are gonna regret leavin they probs don't want u bac

It wasn't hard for me to guess that that was Hannah, which really rather annoyed me, but I let that go as I read the other messages.

Mom - Frank please come home your I'm worried sick. x

Mom - I'm sorry if we upset you please come home. x

Mom - I love you Frank and you know it at least tell me your safe and be home by midnight. x

Mom - I can come and get you if you tell me where you are. x

Talk about a spam! I really can't tell if she was being genuine or just trying to get me home. I suppose she really was worried, I mean we get along alright when my dads away. Most of the time anyway, I should probably reply and tell her I'm fine.

Me - Sorry Mom crashed at a friends, fine see ya later sorry.I sent that knowing my mom probably wouldn't be particularly happy, but she would accept the apology and forget about the whole thing. I read the other two messages, ignoring the first but replying to the second.

My Illegal Romance (Frerard student/teacher) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now