Chapter 27

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Seconds later Gerard woke up sitting up and holding his throbbing head. "Mm." He groaned in agony, "Frankie?" He tries to smile as he put his head in his hands.

"Good morning," I chuckled smiling back at him. "Your head hurt?"

"Ye-" He cut himself off leaping off the couch and straight to the bathroom. Standing up from my chair I followed him suspiciously speeding up to hold his hair back as he puked into the toilet.

The next twenty minutes I spent holding his hair back as he was sick into the toilet, not exactly my ideal way of spending a Saturday morning. This is the prime reason why I will never drink too much, not if I can help it anyway.

It was a strange thought, but I wasn't even disgusted or annoyed that I had to hold his hair while he emptied his stomach down the shitter. In fact that's not even strange, that's just messed up. I'm not a total freak, I didn't enjoy it, but I didn't spend the whole time flinching and wishing I had left. I certainly shouldn't be holding my head out of the toilet should I? That was wrong enough.

"Frank?" Mikey called through the apartment as Gerard washed his face searching his cupboard for some Advil.

"In the bathroom." I called back filling a glass with water handing it to Gerard as he downed the tablets. Mikey walked in seconds later, not even acknowledging Gerard. "Wow, little toilet party." I joked as we were all crammed into the bathroom.

"Hm," Mikey scoffed.

"I'm going to the couch." Gerard muttered walking from the bathroom leaving Mikey and me alone.

"Yeah, I don't really like the smell in here, maybe we should go too." Mikey added. He walked from the room heading straight opposite into Gerard's room sitting on the bed and turning back to me. "You know how long this has been going on?" I shook my head before pausing and tilting my hands side to side.

"I mean sort of, but not exactly." I shrugged I mean I knew it was a few Weeks and getting worse but not much more. "I mean it started like three weeks ago about, like he came home a little tipsy, and then since then he was more and more drunk each time."

"Does he go out to drink, or is it here?"

"No he goes out." I sighed itching my head and sitting on the desk opposite Mikey. "There's never alcohol here, ever except yesterday, when he had a bottle in the parking lot but nothing in here or the car."

"Does he go out alone?" He asked looking as if he was suspicious of somebody in particular.

"I don't think so, not always anyway he says he's with friends, he texts me non-stop sometimes he mentions being with a friend and sometimes he doesn't. It all depends." I shrugged, I felt like I wasn't being very helpful, but I didn't know what else I could say I can't tell him more than I know.

"Does he name this friend?"

"No." I replied watching as he hummed thoughtfully biting his lip. Tapping my fingers against the desk I picked up a nice rhythm eventually finding myself drumming on the desk.

Scanning the desk as I waited for something more to be said or done, I noticed a small brown notebook on the corner of the desk, beside it were some pencils. Assuming it was a sketch boom I reached for it subtly. Although Gerard was an art teacher, and my art teacher at that, I had never actually seen him draw anything, except the odd thing to help somebody else or do an example.

Flipping the book open to the first page, I came across a tall, thin boy/man - maybe sixteen or seventeen - leant against a wall. The moon was on the horizon behind the man and it looked like it had been drawn from a fair distance and from a position where the artist couldn't be seen by the subject. On closer inspection I recognized the man a Mikey, glancing up I compared the picture and the real thing deciding it definitely was, and it was unbelievably good.

My Illegal Romance (Frerard student/teacher) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now