Chapter 28

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~ A/N Before I even start this chapter I want to thank you all so much, I didn't think this would get 100 reads, but it got to 5 fucking K and that's so awesome, thank you so much, I can't believe how dedicated you guys are and I appreciate it so much. After I published the last chapter I went to brush my teeth I come back 2 minutes only 2 minutes later to three comments two votes and four fucking reads, that's fucking awesome you might be like that's nothing, but to me that's huge. I can't thank you enough I love you guys so much!

Oh and thanks LittleMissKilljoy18 for messaging me yesterday it made my day so awesome when it had been a little shit thank you all! <3 I love you keep strong! ~

I hadn't stopped thinking about Gerard's questions since then and it was confusing me, I didn't understand why he was asking if he wasn't experiencing it, but I felt like an asshole not believing him when he said it wasn't so I tried to flip it off. It wasn't even me being selfish, I just didn't want to ruin his relationship because he didn't tell me he was in relationship. I would never, ever forgive myself if I ruined his relationship because he was basically cheating, whether it was his fault or not, I would still blame myself and I didn't want that.

The other thing on my mind was his drinking, I certainly didn't want him becoming an alcoholic again. Honestly, that wasn't personal either, it was about him, I didn't want him putting himself through that, I didn't want him to always have headaches, or to end up ruining his liver, or to end up having to go to rehab or something. I had been told rehab was horrible and from what people say I don't want Gerard to have to go, I'm sure he'd hate it, I know I would. Maybe I should just have a little more faith in him and let him do his own thing, believe him when he says he's fine, yeah I should do that.

Dragging my pencil across the paper I didn't put much effort into my drawing just a bunch of lines maybe resembling a house a tiny bit. I couldn't help but imagine how it would look if Gerard drew it, probably perfect.

Looking up I saw Gerard flick his eyes away from me looking back down at his desk continuing with whatever marking or something he was doing. Turning to my right I saw Vic getting up from his chair. He headed up to the front of the classroom towards Gerard without him realizing. When he was behind him he looked down at whatever he was marking, Vic's jaw dropped and his eyes widened as he looked up at me then back down at the paper. "Wow." He gasped.

Mr Way shot his head up slamming a book down onto it looking up at Vic. I couldn't hear what was said, but I did see Mr Way blush and Vic look between the two of us suggestively before coming back to his seat. "Have you seen that?" Vic asked smiling widely.

"Seen what?" I replied confused as I tried to add something to my picture that wold make somebody think of a house, maybe it would look a tiny bit similar.

"Mr Way's drawings!"

"Oh, uh n-no, not really." I replied not wanting to say yes in case Gerard heard, because he would probably be a little annoyed that I had gone through his sketchbook. Several of the drawings in said book seemed rather personal to him especially the one of his Grandma - I'm guessing that was who it was - and he probably wouldn't want me seeing the ones of Bert and neither would Bert.

"They look exactly like the real thing." He smiled, I nodded in acknowledgement not really knowing what to say. I looked back down at my book continuing to draw what was looking a little more like a house now. "You seen what he's drawing now?"

"No Vic, I haven't I think I would've said if I had." I let out a short slightly annoyed sounding breath slamming my pencil down on the paper turning to look at it.

"Well, it's a very detailed picture."

"Why are you telling me this, it's a fucking picture he's not my goddamn boyfriend, I don't need to know every single move he makes." I sighed running my hand through my hair. "Sorry that sounded kinda harsh, I-I was just saying, sorry."

My Illegal Romance (Frerard student/teacher) *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now