Chapter 1

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The music was loud for a small crowded club, the room full of smoke and bright flashy lights in the air. Some people were sitting at the table drinking and laughing talking loudly so they could be heard over the music, some people were dancing close to each other. There was a strong smell of alcohol and body odor. It was eleven forty-five. Sasha checked her watch for the third time. She looked towards the front entrance and then back at her friends. "You sure Kristen is coming Diane?"

Diana sipped her red wine and said. "Yes, she texted me saying she has something important to tell us all and to meet her here at eleven sharp." Raven looked at her watch and said. "Well, she's late, she's never late. I bet she wanted to tell us about her latest squeeze." They all laughed.

"Yeah, Kristen goes from one guy to another faster than I can eat a chocolate cake. I can never keep up with the guys she dates." Sasha said. "Ladies those guys over by the both have been eyeing us since we sat down." Both Diana and Raven turned around in their chairs and looked with disgusted looks on their faces. The three guys smiled at them and lifted their drinks. Raven looked at Diana and and they smiled at each other and both put their middle finger up at the guys and stuck their tongues out at them. Laughing they turned around and Sasha said. "I forgot how you two get when we meet up. Both of you are so bad, so embarrassing." Sasha tried saying with a straight face but she wanted to laugh.

"Come on Sasha you know without us you would be a boring person. You need some adventure, some spice in your life" Diana said. They finished their drinks and Sasha looked at her watch again, it was past midnight. "Did anyone of you ring Kristen?"

"We both did before coming here and she said she will be here soon." Raven said. "She's never late."

"Come on let's go, maybe she's with her new lover boy and has forgotten about us." Sasha said. They finished their drinks and left the club to go to the underground car park. It was very dark and creepy in the car park, the lights where they had parked the car were smashed and not working.

"Wonder what happened with the lights, they weren't smashed when we came here earlier." Diana said as she took her phone out of her purse to ring Kristen. As soon as the phone started ringing they all could hear Kristen's ringtone Magnum could be heard nearby. "What the hell, that's Kristen's phone. Where is it coming from?" Diana said as they all looked around for the phone.

"It's under your car Sasha." Raven said as she bent underneath the car to reach for the phone. "What is going on? Kristen's phone screen is cracked and she has fifteen miscalls from us and most from her mother."

"Oh my God, ladies over here." Diana shouted from the other side of the wall where the ticket machine was. Sasha and Raven ran to Diana and saw Diana pressing her hands onto Kristen's stomach wound. "Oh my God, Kristen!" Sasha knelt down to check her pulse." Her pulse is weak, she's breathing. Who would do this to her?"

"She was shot, that's a gunshot wound. Can you save her Sasha?"

"I'm trying to but she's gone so far I can't grab her spirit." Sasha concentrated on her healing ability to try and hold Kristen's fading spirit to her while she had her hands over her wounds, heat flowing through her hands into Kirsten's cold body. Suddenly they all looked up as they heard a car rev up close to them and they all saw a tanned man dressed in black with piercing silver eyes, with jet black short hair, holding a gun in his hand straight at them. He had an evil grin on his face. Just as he fired his gun at them, Sasha, Diana and Raven moved out of the way. Instead of the bullets hitting them, the bullets hit Kristen's body six times as the man drove away while firing his gun. Diana whipped out her gun that was in her purse and fired her gun at the speeding car but only managed to hit the back window, smashing it into pieces.

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