Chapter 18: Promises and Proclaimations

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*Mikey's POV*

"No Mikey, you put your hands like this, and then I'll jump, okay? You have to promise to catch me," she giggled, teeth glimmering in the sunlight.

I smiled and kissed her nose, "I promise."

She stood with her eyes closed, smiling still, which left me mesmerized.

"Okay. Ready?" she asked, pushing me into place, started the camera, and then started the music.

"Say something, I'm giving up on you.
I'll be the one, if you want me to;
Anywhere I would've followed you"

We started at opposite corners of the yard, away from each other, turning around only when the music started. We slowly walked towards each other, and then ran, her eventually jumping onto me, and spinning us around. We continued dancing as she had choreographed, jumping, spinning and moving around on the grass. No wonder Curtsey, Chords and Cara was a popular channel.

"And I will swallow my pride,
You're the one that I love,
And I'm saying goodbye"

This was the time. I held up my hands, and she jumped. I felt her weight slowly decrease as time passed. I dipped her in front, but she literally weighed nothing. I looked down to see merely her as a skeleton. I screamed, dropping the bones to the ground, and shaking. I screamed for anyone, but no one came to help. I dropped to my knees next to her, holding what would've been her shoulders.

"No one can protect me, no one can protect me," the words in her voice swirled around me like the wind, and engulfing me in a rhythmic cocoon of sorrow.

"I can protect you!" I cried.

I saw her walking toward me again, slowly in her blue and white polka-dotted dress, and the torment of my ears stopped.

"You can't protect me, not even I can protect me," she said as she fell to the ground, convulsing uncontrollably.

I reached out to grab her, but she wasn't there.


I woke up, in a puddle of my own tears. I shot upwards, only to shoot back down from the pounding pain in my head. After slowly, steadily tilting upwards, I looked around, not seeing anything except a door, the bed I was sitting on, closed curtains, and a nightstand with a lamp. I looked around, trying to think about what was going on; this wasn't my room. THIS WASN'T MY ROOM!

I tried opening the door-shaking the knob violently and pounding- but it was locked shut. I banged it a little harder, hoping someone would open it, but that was to no avail. I checked my pockets for a cell phone, but it was dead. I threw it at the bed, cursing. Everything seemed to be spiraling out of control, but when I opened the curtains, I had the worst heartbreak of all; Cara being beaten by a man a barely recognized. I started banging on the window, shouting profanities at the asshole. No man is allowed to touch my girl like that! After all she's fucking gone through and now this asshole?

My blood boiled as he choked her down next to- an old woman? Anyway, shE sTopEd mOVING THAT SON OF A BITCH WAS GOING TO- in my rage I lost sight of the man, and just saw Cara, who made brief eye contact before limping away with the old woman.

The door-handle jiggled, so I shut the curtains and jumped onto the weird room's bed.

"Michael, what a nice surprise. I thought you were never going to get up," the S.O.A.B. sneered.

"Who are you?" I calmed my temper, since you catch more with sugar than a stick.

"I am Julian Lipscomb, the right-hand-man to the Prophet here in Pinegrove Settlement," I dumbfounded-ly looked at him, so he continued. "Here we are Mormons, but as the media call us, 'Polygamists'" he rolled his eyes.

"And how do you know me?" I questioned, searching his features through slitted eyes.

"Ahh yes, Michael Murphy, 'lover' to Caraline, otherwise known as a runaway. Well, let me give you the story: The Prophet is told by God what will happen in the near future. Of course, he knew they were going to take her from Ontario, but he also knew where they were taking her. We didn't know that the physician from the outside-world was a rat, but we should've guessed. All outsiders aren't to be trusted. But anyways, they took her and dropped her with some family named Kegley"

"Kegler," I interruped.

"Right, or something, and she stayed there until we took you back here. Of course, it was only by the will of Him that you chose the cups of punch we spiked, and that you sauntered right into us after home-coming. So, welcome to Ontario, place of few freedoms," his words went in one ear and out the other.

"I'm sorry, I truly am, but what did you just say?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"We spiked the punch you drank, set up a trap for you to walk into, and brought you back to Ontario," he retold, slowing his speech like he was talking to a six year-old. "I guess it's a lot to handle for someone who's never been around the culture."

"So why'd you take me? Us?" I questioned, begging for an answer practically.

"Well, you see, we don't just let loose-end go untied. We always finish what we started, and we knew if she was left untied, she'd spill to the reporters. And if we didn't take you, she'd never comply. Plus, your fans would eat us alive. But now, you can make a final video, and sign off forever from the internet, and maybe we'll let you see her," he offered, but I thought it was too good to be true.

"I want to see her first. If you promise me that she and I can be together here, and you won't hurt her, I'll do it. I promise no retaliation, as long as you keep our families safe too," I blurted, completely without thinking. I bit my tongue, reviewing exactly what I just said, replaying it in my mind.

"I'll review that with Caraline and we'll see. Don't get your hopes up, because she might choose someone else over you. Otherwise, you'll be married to someone else. I'll send Margret up here with some fresh clothes and food. Enjoy your stay here, because you might never leave," and with that he left.

I just sat there, in awe. What had I done? What about my family? Friends? Fans? What about Cara, or Caraline as they call her? I thought about all of this, which lulled me back into a state of semi-conscienceness, thinking of the past, present and future.

Authors Note:

Hello! Long time no update, and I'm sorry. I've had a lot on my plate lately and I've been kinda depressed, but here I am! (P.S. MICHAEL MURPHY READ MY STORY IN A VIDEO OASKGFDHSDLKJB Which is probably where most of you have come from, and I hope you enjoy :D) But aside from that, I wanted to use a video to show their duet, which was uploaded to Cara's channel! The video is not mine, and all rights go to the respective owners. Anyway, Vote comment, share and all that jazz! Y'all are the best fans! *Internet hug*

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