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1 year after the war ended

"This is beautiful Aang!" The betrothed water bender exclaims when the Last Airbender shows her the home gifted to them by the Earth Kingdom. "I know, imagine all the memories we could make here." He smiles fondly at the fireplace in the home bestowed to them but lightly laughs when a picture of Bosco the bear hugging the earth king is included.

Aang notices there's a mixture of Air Temple and Water Tribe decorations and she smiles while taking Aangs hand. "I can't wait to make memories here with you." He gives her a kiss that should have signified the beginning of a beautiful relationship for the engaged couple. Sadly it did no such thing.

1 month later

"Aang, I was thinking about making a trip back to the South Pole. I haven't visited family in over a year and was hoping we could do this together." Katara knew Aang is always busy but she was hoping he could spare a few days so she could see her family.

As much as she wouldn't mind going alone, not having Appa would be an issue, and traveling by foot and ships could take days. However, Katara needed this trip. Her gran-gran is only getting older and she misses the woman dearly.

Aang takes a deep sigh and crosses his arms. "Katara, I told you I have to go to the Northern water tribe this week and I really need you to come with me, they listen to you better. " The water bender's face turns into a slight frown. She's glad she can be of help but he dismissed her wishes entirely.

"Of course I'll come, I was planning to. I just brought it up for future reference, I need to see everyone eventually Aang." He starts pacing. "I understand that, okay? I'm just saying it's not in the cards for the next few months. I'm not scheduled to visit the southern water tribe until the winter solstice " His fiancées' jaw drops in anger and a cup of water on the table falls over.

"How could you say that? That's eight months from now and I need to see my family sooner than that!" Aang looks at her dumbfounded. "I'm sorry Katara, I don't know what you want me to say? These meetings are a bit more important than your little family reunion." She looks up to her husband who has grown a lot since they've met and realized he's changed inside a lot too. Her expression goes from bewildered to determines.

"I have traveled the world with you. Wherever you need to go, I drop what I'm doing and accompany you. Either that or I stay home and watch over the animals. I know your job is important but I have duties too." As she's ranting she didn't notice the red-ish tint in his eyes. She didn't notice his anger rising significantly high than she's seen before.

With a determined look on her face, she makes her final point. "I'll get there with or without you." Chin up, she turns around to go to their room when her arm is caught in a hand. Her fiancé's hand. But the grip is foreign to her, it's painful. She gasps and whips around, "What do you think you're doing!" She spits.

The former monk glares at her. "You're engaged to the Avatar and think traveling alone to the Southern Water Tribe wouldn't be a death wish? I knew you were hopeful but I never took you for stupid too." She pushed at his chest. "I'm a master water bender, I know how to protect myself from everyday commoners. Let go!" He does no such thing. His hand glows red and a strangled cry leaves Katara's lips.

"I- I won't. Okay?" His hand leaves her arm and the young man sees the first person who believed in him stumbling up the stairs to get away from him.

He stares at his hands in shame. Why did he do that? He hurt her and he wants to say it was entirely accidental. But in his heart, he knows that's not true. Aang sits on the floor in shame and stays there, pondering why there was intent in his actions when she's done everything for him. Meanwhile, Katara tries to heal her arm and is in a state of disbelief.

Aang didn't mean to, did he? At that moment he looked her dead in the eyes and burned her. Tears fell from her eyes but she remained silent, letting the water stitch her visible scars back together.

I have this whole thing pre-written so if anyone wants it I'll post:) (also it's fairly short, there's 8 parts in total)

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