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5 months later

They never spoke of when Aang was aggressive towards Katara. However, she had light scarring on her arm as a reminder of that night. Aang had not put an ill hand on her since, but things were different.

He always used to make excuses to kiss her, hold hands, and let everyone know they were in love. All of his travels were their travels and included work and play. Now he'd get angry when she disagreed with him in front of politicians. He'd tell her she was being impolite when she tried to kiss him in public and gave her a look that made her skin crawl. He even wanted her to stay more frequently to 'take care of the house' but she just assumed he didn't want her running into any of their friends and saying what happened.

He was still sometimes sweet but not as much. Their lifestyle was already exhausting but without the fun, Aang normally brought, it was more than exhausting. It was tedious.

He went on a mission alone to meditate at the air temples and Katara decided it was time, she's going to the South Pole. She left a note for Aang and asked the spirits to give him patience.

Katara made the trip seamlessly, there was an issue with a couple of pickpocketers but she dealt with them and was able to catch a ride with a cargo ship headed to her village. Upon her return, everyone greeted her with cheers and open arms.

As if she were a soldier returning from the war, everyone gathered together in appreciation for Master Katara of the Southern Water Tribe.

She was only supposed to stay a few days but ended up there for a week. Everyone was just so kind and inviting and are the only people who know her for who she is, not the Avatars fiancé.

After some much-needed home time, she decided she's been there long enough and planned to leave the next day. "It was great seeing you Dad." Katara smiles up at the man in front of her. He smiles back down and lets himself be proud. "I'm so proud of you Katara. You may be my daughter, but you're also one of the fiercest soldiers to ever come out of our tribe. My two children are war heroes"

She nudges him in the shoulder. Gran enters the room after overhearing their conversation. "You too Hakoda, it runs in the family." They all hug and Katara ponders the idea of extending her stay but she knows that action isn't in the cards for her. 'Spirits!' she thinks to herself wishing she still had the naivety she used to possess that allowed her to happily leave her tribe with Sokka and Aang.

There's a commotion outside and the three migrate to the window. Katara gasps at the insight of the bison descending to the ground. "Aang?"

They make their way out to greet the avatar who got a much similar greeting to her. Aang is all smiles and cheerful and enjoying the attention but Katara is worried, he wasn't supposed to come here.

As she gets to him he smiles and embraces her in a hug. "Katara I've missed you." She smiles considering the thought he came all this way for a hug. Sadly, as his mouth gets closer to her ear he spits "What the hell were you thinking?". Her eyes widen. He's angry.

She understands maybe she should have left a more descriptive note but she said all she needed to. She traveled safely and helped with plans to grow the southern tribe and Katara still feels her thoughts were justified.

They have a campfire celebrating safe travels for the couple and everyone is in high spirits. Aang seems joyful but Katara feels uncomfortable knowing he is simultaneously upset with her.

They fly straight home in the morning and The Avatar has only said a few words the whole trip. Katara is putting supplies away at home when the silence is broken. "I'll ask again." Her eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What the hell were you thinking?" She sighs deeply.

"Aang, I needed to go home. I'm sorry I took longer than expected but who knows how long gran has left? I needed to see her Aang! And you didn't need to come and get me like a child!" She yells entirely fed up with him.

"Well, you're acting like a child! You can't just leave and wait to get kidnapped Katara, we talked about this already and you disrespected me?" She gasps at his words.

"No, I'm a woman Aang. You don't get the final say when it's my life we're talking about! If I need to go home I will. End of discussion. I wanted you to come because I love you but I didn't need you there, don't get it confused."

As her anger simmers she notices the muscles in his arms flexing. She remembers that day a few months ago and this feels all too familiar. "Aang?" She whispers worried that she went too far. She slowly puts a hand on his arm in an attempt to calm him down when his hand suddenly clasps around her neck.

Her eyes widen and time feels like it comes to a halt. She chokes on a gasp, air flow becoming restricted. Katara tries to fight him off but his arm is too steady, too gripping.

She looks at his eyes and he seems removed from himself as she starts to feel dizzy as her neck begins to burn and Katara knows what she must do. The sound and feel of his blood can be heard and felt through her heightened senses and flashbacks of the deranged water bender Hama enters her mind during this full moon.

She motions her hands and Aang lets out a grunt of pain. Tears brim the woman's eyes but she knows it's time. She allows herself to look at the sweet boy who turned into a troubled man one more time and twists her hands to let him fall limp. He's just unconscious and she sends a Hawk to Toph to make sure she checks up on him tomorrow.

Katara packs things most important to her and is off. At first, she considered going back home but after all of her experiences, the freezing South Pole isn't enough for her anymore. She considered Kyoshi island, the Beiphong palace, even the Northern Water tribe.

In the end, she decided there's only one place that was safe enough with a person she already knows.

The Fire Nation palace.

A/N: hi! Please consider voting:)

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