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Katara has been at the palace for a month, her and Zuko have been quite the team. She's been helping him with fire nation affairs and proven to be quite the politician.

She may not rise with the sun, but she does rise with Zuko and they have breakfast together every morning as well as dinner every night. Yes there are sparks between the two but for healing sake, they're waiting a while and allowing themselves to have fun and just be friends.
The two are lounging in the scroll room and drinking tea when Katara gets an idea. "Hey Zuko." She says sweetly and he immediately knows she wants something.

He folds his arms already knowing he'll hate whatever she wants to suggest. "No." He answers.

Her eyes roll at his stubbornness. "You don't even know what I was going to say." He shrugs. "I don't need to." This causes her to give him the stink eye which is honestly just cute but he won't ever tell her that.

"Fine. What is it?" He questions knowing damn well he's going to do whatever she asks. Her scowl turns into a grin. "Do you want to go swimming with me?" His eyebrow quirks.

"Swimming?" She nods and lets excitement enter her voice. "Yeah! I was thinking, we've been helping with the restoration movement non-stop for weeks now and I think it would be fun to relax a little." A quick thought enters her mind.

"Hey, did you ever take a break after our initial one at Iroh's tea shop in Ba Sing Se?" She asks.

"No?" He answers a bit unsure. 'Should he have?'

He quickly gets his answer at his friends gasp. "Zuko, you have to rest! No wonder you've been so twitchy." He retorts her statement. "I have not been twitchy." He huffs.

She smiles slyly. "He says while twitching. That's it we're taking at least one day off."

"You're a pain." He says with a smile while thinking 'how did I ever live without her'

"As are you." She answers with a smile matching his and wondering how a bone in her body could've ever hated him.
They descend from the ship and an entourage of guards puts their things inside a house. "Sometimes I forget you're royalty." Katara notes.

"Me too, getting used to being around guards again was— weird to say the least. But lucky for us they're here as a formality. This side of the island is entirely safe and empty."

"Well what are you waiting for?" She teases. "Let's go!" Katara takes off running towards the ocean. She discards her shirt, bikini already on underneath and discards her skirt and shoes before letting herself feel the water.

Zuko follows in suit but stops just before the ocean and observes. The way she interacts with the ocean is graceful. After a little bit, she comes to ask for the firelords company. "I want you to see something." She says with eyes shining." He nods exited for whatever she's excited for.

Katara makes an ice raft and uses a water whip as a jet to propel them out to sea. "Katara, we should head back." He suggests, worried about how far out they are. She's looking in front of herself in awe and Zuko finally turns around.

He sees the most beautiful sunset he's ever laid eyes on. The sun looks hugs and he can really grasp the concept that is a literal ball of fire. Soaking in the heat, he looks to his hands shoots out a larger and normal blast of fire.

Katara looks at him with wide eyes and grips the raft and he inwardly curses at himself. "This is beautiful. Thank you for showing this to me. Also I need you to know something". She blinks out of her trance and is paying attention. "I know it's scary to trust me sometimes, especially with my past. But I will never let harm you and if you'll let me, I'll never let harm come to you again." She looks at the man in front of her and feels all emotions at once.

"Zuko, I-" he shakes his head. "I didn't mean to pressure you to say or do anything. I just want you to know I'm here for you in whatever way you'll allow me to be." She takes a breath and nods gazing out towards the sunset. "I think I need a bit more time to be— but Zuko." She looks into his eyes and takes hold of one of his hands.

"When I'm ready, and trust me I wish that was today." His eyes look at her in shock, in disbelief she might like him back. "I want those things too. But don't forget, I won't let harm come to you either." There's a fierceness in her eyes, so bold he believes her— and Zuko rarely believes people.

They admire the sunset for a bit longer. Legs in the water and Katara leaning on Zukos shoulder. That is, until a sea animal made an appearance.

"Katara?" He says slightly fearful. "I'm on it!" She chirps speeding them back to shore. They make it back to the house in fits of laughter, arguing over who was most scared the most and the chef brings dinner to their shared room. 'A little sleepover never hurt anybody.' Katara things before falling asleep in his bed.

For the first time in a while, she felt comfortable going to sleep next to another person and it felt nice. It felt right.

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