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The two got engaged but had a lot of relationship-building to do before wedding plans could even be drawn up.

Their friends were confused as to why the two isolated themselves made sure their opinions were heard.

First, it was Toph. She came to the royal palace a week after Aang was banished. "Sparky!" She shouted and did a double-take when she felt another familiar person walk up. "Sugar queen?" Katara looks at the girl she hasn't seen in months and expected her to be angry but was caught entirely off guard when the girl was tearing up.

"What happened?" Sometimes Katara forgets there's a large mark on her neck as ominous as the one on Zuko's eye. "You told me to wake up Aang and never contacted me again and then he wouldn't tell me anything because he knew I'd know he's lying. I had no idea where you were.

"Toph I'm so sorry. I didn't know what to do and didn't think about the position I put you in because I was so scared and confused, and I- I wanted as little people as involved as possible."

Although Toph wished Katara came to her, she understands. She and Zuko somehow understood each in a special way and he had the emotional support Toph just didn't. "I understand but never do that again. I have your back okay? What did twinkle toes even do?" Katara takes Toph's hand rubs it over her neck. Toph stills and tackles Katara in a hug.

"I'm going to kill him." She says indignantly. "I have a school of metal benders just give me a few days and-" Katara is shaking her head. "Toph, Zuko, and I handled it. He's never coming here or the fire nation ever again."

She gawks at the girl. "You two took him down, alone? Honestly, after you two beat Azula nothing should surprise me anymore." She drones.

"Wait! So you're living here?" She asks. Katara freezes and Toph has her answer. Another presence enters the room and Toph smiles mischievously. She tackles him in a hug and starts questioning. "When you two have a kid can I be an unofficial aunt? I'll be the fun one because Suki-"

"Toph!" The two yell but they're blushing. They haven't talked about that yet but the idea of having their own family is exciting.

"Geez, sorry. I'll ask again later."
The conversation with Sokka went much like that of Tophs. He felt guilty he wasn't there when Katara needed him most but she assured him it was okay. It was important she did this alone and Zuko let her but made sure to be nearby if Sokka started to make her feel bad.

"You would have tried to fix things yourself and although that would've been sweet, it wouldn't have been the best thing for me. Coming here I knew Zuko wouldn't pry too much and let me heal on my own because he dealt with similar things I guess. Besides, you needed to build a life of your own." She assures him. But he still felt bad he never really reached out. Sure he was busy but his sister needed him and Katara always took care of people when they needed help.

He decided not to drag the issue too much longer because she seems to have healed and he doesn't want to mentally bring her back to a damaging time. However, he asks one thing of her. "Katara, promise me that if you ever need help with anything, you'll let me know. I'll be there immediately, okay?" She promised and that calmed his spirit. However, the hurt of his best friend doing such malice acts to his sister would linger for longer than he wants to admit. If only he had his space sword...

He lets a goofy face take over. "So Zuko..." she frowns. "Sokka I'm not talking about this with you!" He gasps and points at her. "Does you being a queen make me a prince?" Well, she never really thought about that but she says no just because it's Sokka. "No, and I'm not even a queen yet!" He glares at her. "I'm asking Zuko." He says in a singsong voice.

Zuko's eyes widen and he pretends he was doing anything but eavesdropping.
1 month later

"Hey, Zuko!" Katara calls him over as he was reading a scroll. "Everything alright?" He asks. She smiles mischievously. "Do you see what I see?" She asks pointing out the window.

His eyes land on Zhin and Kai trying to secretly kiss and laughs. "The old man is never wrong is he?"

"Iroh? Did he have a hand in this?" Katara asks. He nods remembering his uncle's plan to meddle and how he somewhat helped. "Uncle spoke highly of Kai to Zhin as a favor and I sent them home early the day I proposed. I may have sort of set them up on a date." A good-natured laugh leaves Katara. "You're becoming Iroh! I've really lucked out haven't I?" He scoffs. "He's too happy to be me." She looks up at him with her hand over his. "You seem happy to me." She says simply which sends a thought through Zuko's mind.

"Huh, I guess really am happy. Wow." Katara thinks to herself. How she spent so much time saddened and revengeful by her mother's death, then thrust into an unhappy relationship that left her lost. But now? With Zuko and her dignity back, she feels serene.

"I guess I am too." She sighs. "We used to be so angry in our own ways." Zuko shrugs. "I think it took meeting each other to realize the universe didn't hate us individually. Everyone affected by the war had trauma they needed to overcome." He says.

She nods. "We thought we were so different but  in a lot of ways we're exactly the same." She smiles and leans her head on his chest. Then she notices something. Her ring box. It did have carvings on the bottom.

"Zuko. What does that say?" She asks pointing to the little box.

"Oh, you never saw that? It says synergy."

Katara's mind is blown that their conversation that day meant as much to him as it did to her. Silently she attacks him in a kiss. "I think you might need an heir." She whispers and Zuko is caught entirely off guard. "An heir?" And it clicks but Katara is already out of the door on the way to the bedroom.

"Wait!" He calls out trying to catch up.

5 months later

"You are now pronounced Firelord Zuko and Firelady Katara." Zuko cups the cheek of his wife and when she smiles up at him they publicly seal their marriage with a kiss. Their lips fitting together as the last piece of a puzzle would.

"Finally." He breathes looking into her eyes.

Comments from the crowd

"Did you even hear before Lady Katara took the throne she raised the wages of palace works twofold? My aunt is kind of loaded right now."

"Lord Zuko is such a light after these dark times. Did you know he helped my daughter Zhin find a husband in the palace? Lovely boy."

"Toph do you see that? He's makin on my sister."


"Shut up Sokka, they're literally married and I can't see anything!"

"That's my nephew!" Says the happy old man eyes welling in pride. Not only did Zuko find his way, but he's comfortable with it and no longer has many doubts. The man may always have a slight inner struggle but he knows who he is now. Zuko knows he's good.

As for Katara, when he met her she was headstrong and always willing to put herself on the line. She hasn't lost that but she's learned it's okay to ask for help. It's okay to be selfish once in a while if it means saving yourself. Katara knows she's worthy.

During his speculation of the water bender, he realizes something. Iroh's eyes widen is that— a bump on her belly?

A/N: to anyone who stuck by until the end of this, thank you! This is my first complete fanfic so I hope it was somewhat enjoyable. Thanks again:)

P.S. please consider voting:)!

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