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One morning, two months after the fight Katara is stopped by a tired Zhin. She bows in respect to Katara then lets her know what she is holding on to. "A package arrived for you from Prince Iroh." Her eyes glance towards the package in the hands of the servant and she grinned excitedly. "Thank you Zhin. You know, I look forward to our talks in the garden but I think you should get some rest today." The girl's eyes widen and she bows again in gratitude.

"I look awful, don't I? Thank you! I'll come tomorrow much more chipper with the much-needed rest." Katara could have just excused Zhin but wanted to check up on her, unsure is anyone else does. "Is everything, alright at home? If you're unwilling to share that's quite alright."

The servant looks down, letting her hands awkwardly twist together. "My mother, she lost her job and were falling behind on rent. I have a night time job at the train station but anything to help ends meet. But it's nothing us Masuda girls can't handle." She says with a tired smile.

Katara's lips part at the struggles of the slightly younger girl who has been struggling all of this time. "As a royal employee, I think you're due for a bonus." Zhin looks up in confusion, is Katara even allowed to promise such things to her?"

The master water bender takes the royal seal off of the tea package and hands it to Zhin. "The next time your landlord threatens to kick you out or something of the sort, let them know the palace will handle the bill. Just have it sent here." She states firmly.

"I couldn't possibly ask for you to do that." Zhin says trying to reject the Katara's offer. She shakes her head no at the girl's politeness. "You can and you will, you've earned it." She says and puts the seal in her hands. "Go get some sleep ok?" The girl nods and wipes a tear away. She engulfs Katara in a quick hug and whispers a light "Thank you." and is off.

"You have the kindest heart." She hears Zuko say appearing from a room behind her. Her eyes widen and she turns around. "You see, I would have asked you about that..." she trails off and stops talking. They both know entirely too well she was never going to ask and was content letting the palace accountant pay the bill upon its arrival.

"That was wise, you're a bad liar anyways." She puts a hand on her hip. "I am not, I've lied plenty of times." He smirks and lets his arms wrap around her shoulders, his head resting in the crook of her neck. "Ok, then lie to me right now." She thinks hard about a lie and decides upon what to say. "Okay, I definitely did not have a slight crush on you at the western air temple." He feels her heart rate increase. A lie.

His back is pressed against her back but the hug is sweet. They sway in thought together as he smiles. "I had a slight crush on you too. I think my fear of you murdering me if I accidentally burned Aang during training hid some of it though. But after our field trip, I let myself think about the idea of us together." She smiles in the memory.

"You have a kind heart too you know." He didn't think this was true. His silence spoke lengths and Katara felt the need to remind him how kind he is.

"The kindest-"

Kiss on the cheek.

"Most caring-"

Kiss on the other cheek.

"Most loving-"

Kiss on the mouth.

"Most honorable man I know."

She says and finishes with a hug. His arms slowly wrap around her and they stay like that. "I love you a lot Katara." He mumbles in her hair unable to say anything else. "And I love you." She says. People often say comfortable silences are overrated, but not for these two. For these two they mean the world.

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