Bring Your Cerberus To Work Day

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     Credits to MINGGOO on Pixiv

     "Well, I'm off. The house will be in your care for now." You wave goodbye to Lucifer who was seeing you out. Her hands were on her hips as she smiled confidently.

    "You don't have to worry about your house, I manage hell, some human household is nothing!"

    "Wooooo! Helltaker's out! Let's get partying!" You hear Zdrada yell from the living room, the sound of bottles clanking echoed through the hall.

     "I can handle it." Lucifer flashed a slightly less confident smile.

There wasn't really anymore time for you to worry, and ending up staying home isn't really an option. Working is probably the most essential thing to do right now, especially when you'd have to accommodate a house full of demons. Taking anymore days off would probably lead to getting fired. So you ended up just wishing the CEO of hell good luck and went on your way.

Well, you would if there wasn't someone blocking the door...

"Master, please don't go..." Cerberus looked up on you with puppy dog eyes, they fully blocked the front entrance leaving you nowhere to go.

You sigh and bend down over to the Triple Demon, "Look, I really need to go. This is really important..."

"Even more important than us?" Their heads slanted to the side, eyes glistening like they were about to cry.

You decide to dodge it. "The other girls are still here. And hey, when I get back I'll bring... dog food." Wait, would that even be appropriate? Sure they are technically dogs... but most of the time they only have eaten the food you cook.

Though it was enough as all three began drooling when you said it. You chuckle and patted all three of the heads, stepping over them and leaving. Thankfully, you got through quickly making you not run late to work.

"We must get to this dog food... at once!" The Cerberus affirmably said as they looked at the car.


Arriving at the dreaded workplace, you find a good spot to park your car. Grabbing your bag that you brought with you that was full of documents, you headed out. As you stepped out however, you went a bit unbalanced as you accidentally let your bag bring you down. It's heavier than you remembered.

    You entered the office, passing by the other unenthusiastic employees that timed in. Arriving at your department, you quickly get to your desk and started working on what you had to do. As you typed away in your desk, a coworker approaches you, knocking on a nearby wall to get your attention.

     "Hey, the Director wanted to see you..." They said.

     You give out a sigh, knowing full well it was just gonna be more work pushed on you. And it's not like your being treated unfairly, more as, everyone in your department is being equally pushed a lot of work that they could just say that itself makes it fair. You simply nodded at them and headed to the department director's office.

     After a long talk and shoving of a pile of paper to your arms you head back to your desk. Adding the stack to the already pretty high and wide pile you had at the corner of your desk. You look down under your desk to grab something in your bag when, that's weird, it's open...

     You pick it up and skim through the insides, checking to see if someone had robbed you of something from inside it. And it's not like you actually had anything valuable on you worth grabbing, it's just full of depressing paperwork that you brought home to work with. The possible thief probably noticed this as well and gave up since it seemed like your bag was free from any theft of items.

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