Justice is Blind

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      Credit to しゅ on Pixiv

[A/N]: After 5 fully written drafts, I finally made one that I can publish.Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it.
Also thanks for getting this book 20k Reads and 500 votes in a short span of  a month, that's crazy ya'll! I hope you continue to stick around for more chapters!

"Hey Justice." You call out to the demon next to you. "What do you want to do?"

"Hmm? Anything is fine, why?" She answered.

"It's just that, you only go with what everyone's doing." You explain. "I'm curious on the things you want to do."

"What nah! What everyone wants to do, is what I want to do!" She gives you a thumbs up.

"Hey Justice!" Zdrads calls out from outside. "Wanna see who can swallow this bong whole!?"

"Oh I'm in!" Justice cheers as she rushes outside.

"A-aren't those things for smoking?" Azazel ask.

"Anything can be a dildo if you're brave enough." Modeus answered.

You sit there unsatisfied as you listen to the cheers of the awesome demon. You had spent time doing things each one of the girls like except Justice, you want to do something about this so she can have a genuinely fun time....


"This is the place!" You point as you guide the harem in the city.

You're all in front of an entrance of a big compound that's flocking with people, though mostly teenagers. The girls see more people come in, carrying sports gear or their bikes, and looked back at you in confusion.

"What is this sausage fest of a place?" Modeus asked.

"It's what people call the 'most awesome place' in the city. There's a ton of stuff in here; from sports to skateboards and motorbikes." You explain. Then you proceeded to look a Justice who already seemed interested.

"Ah, a human den of physical activities..." Pandemonica readjusted her glasses.

"Hmm... there's only physical activity I want to do..." Modeus sighed as she wrapped herself in your arm.

"Ugh, there's nothing awesome about this..." Malina groaned, catching sight of two kids riding on their bikes which annoyed her.

Coincidentally those kids were heading out, and in the midst of their joy did not notice you guys crowding in the entrance. Though you and the others dodged, Justice didn't notice and got hit. She tripped and fell.


The demons looked down when they heard that sound. It seemed like something tense had happened when they did as you felt Modeus' grip on you tighten.

"Ah sorry!" The kid apologized. "I should have watched where I was going. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Justice reassured as she got up. She blinked her eyes and touched them when she noticed, "Where did my shades go though."

"Uhh..." Judgement eyed the group who was all staring at the broken pair of sunglasses on the floor.

Lucifer quickly took your sunglasses and placed them on her face. This seemed to visibly calm Justice down despite you not noticing that she tensed in the first place.

"Oh thanks!" Justice smiled. "Right now let's get in here!"

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