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*A/N: Double update~~
I realized I cannot continue broke thieves if this ain't finished so this is my main book from now on.

By the way, my other book broke thieves is the sequel to this one so check it out if you feel like getting a glance into the distant future ^^.*

*Jungkook POV*

"What are we here for?" Yoongi asked the supervisor who has brought us to their office.
He seemed a little nervous, it wasn't every day that we get called to a supervisor.

"I'll explain when my colleague has found Jung Hoseok and the other one"they said.
Yoongi seemed to think hard
"I think I saw him getting dragged along by Taehyung today.Looked funny for sure."

From the corridor could be heard bad words and struggling.
"You fool, I haven't done shit, why now?!"
That was Hoseok, without a doubt.

He was practically thrown into the room, the supervisor who brought him rubbed the bite mark on his hand, glared a little and then probably went to cry on the toilet.

Hoesok let himself fall onto the chair next to Yoongi "what are you pussies doing here?" He seemed slightly irritated.
The supervisor frowned.

"Just one more is missing"
And as if summoned, Park Jimin stepped into the room.

My heart started racing.

Hoseok turned around halfway, then licked his lip while facing the supervisor again "what kinda bullshit is this?".
Yoongi tried his best not to look at Jimin.
I only noticed I had been staring at Jimin when he sat down next to me.
I avoided my gaze immediately.

He's beautiful.
His face is like molded and his lips have the prettiest shade of pink.
I caught myself thinking I wanted to touch his hair.
Jimin brushed though his silvery white hair and asked " so?".

"We have decided it would be better to assign your rooms differently."
She explained that my new roommate would be Park Jimin.
And I didn't know what to think.
Hoseok and Yoongi started shouting and arguing while Jimin and I just stared into space.

Two days later, a day from when Jimin was supposed to move in with me, I heard that Taehyun was found on the brink of death, on the side of a road.
The Taehyun who Jimin took with him the day he arrived.

*Hoseok POV*

"It's nice to see you, new roommate~" I stated with a smirk.
Yoongi seemed intimidated, even though he thought he was good at hiding it.
I had seen way too many people trying to hide their fear.
Even him...even my victim did it.

"You don't have any stuff?" He asked, trying to seem carefree.
"No, nothing" I grunted.
I looked around the room and chuckled
"Who bought you all this shit, mommy and daddy?" I asked.

"I bought them myself."
"What? Why so annoyed?"
"It's so easy for you to assume I have parents right?" he whispered.
I pretended not to have heard.
So the kid was an orphan ,huh..

I let myself fall onto his bed, trying to test his patience.
"You really have bad taste in colors, dude, what is this?puke brown?".
"The color of your hair."

I tried another technique.
"Honey~ come to bed, will ya?"
He seemed a little panicked when I said that.

I was telling myself it was just for fun but deep inside I actually cared for Yoongi, that was why I couldn't leave him alone.

"What?Could they have been right when they said you're a fag?" I overstepped my boundaries.
I was never the one to make homophobic jokes.I've had gay friends in prison, actually I hated homophobes.

But something in me told me I'd get him with that.And I was right.
"The fuck are you saying?!" He went for my neck, tried to choke me.
I grabbed his wrists and pulled him onto my lap."Ohh how assertive~ You really enjoy that huh?"
Fuck, Jung Hoseok, stop.You big idiot.
"What?You crying now?I was just trying to have some fun with my roommate~"
"Let me go, asshole" his voice trembled.
I let go.

*Jungkook POV*

The day had come.
Park Jimin stood in the doorway, holding a rather hella thick bag.
Yes I saw his bag, it was hella trophies and hella thick...
Whatever I was trying to say with that.

He eyed me, open mouthed.
Let me wiggle around in my natural shyness.
I didn't know what to do.
Should I talk to him?what do I do with my hands?into my waist?into the pockets?ahh I'm going crazy.He probably thinks I'm stupid..I wish Yoongi were here.

I knew I couldn't always depend on Yoongi.
So I took all my courage and bowed to him "ah-I-I'm mm Jung- uh Jeon Jungkk-kook"
I paused "ah! Uhm nice to meet you."

Jimin chuckled.
"You're the guy I'm supposed to not pick on?That'll be difficult."
"Pardon?not pick on?uhh..."
"Taehyung seems to like you, seriously he likes to hang with little rats."
I supposed that that was one of the nicer insults he could spit so I smiled at him.

"Since he said so... Let's get some things clear.You don't talk to me, you don't touch my stuff ,or else" he approached me and took my hand, I blushed.
Then he twisted it painfully "your bones will break". I cried out loud, even though I tried to surpress it.
" and lastly, do not take a single step to my side of the room, got it?".

I nodded.
Then a thought crossed mind "uh but Jimin-nim?The fire escape...it's on your side, what do I do if-".
Jimin looked at me like I had gone crazy
" then you just burn of course".
He said in a very serious tone.
I gulped.

Jimin was kinda scary, but it didn't seem all bad after all.

*A/N: For everyone who is confused about it: They're in a disciplinary facility for criminal kids mostly.
A lot of different kinds of teenagers clash there, depressed ones, ones with aggression, ones with addictions and ones with kleptomania etc etc*

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