Tears and Bears

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Grizzly bear and I
We both wonder
How you do it
Breaking hearts with your pretty lies

The scene unfolding in front of Lee Moon-Bae's eyes, it broke her heart.

Wang Yo was there, holding his half-sister Hwangbo Yeon Hwa, he was leaning towards the later to kiss her.

Yo's actions hurt, however the words that spew from his mouth stung like a poisonous venom.

After hearing the possibilities of his half-sister being married off to some powerful family, Yo dragged Yeon Hwa out of the gathering. He would not let her go, he could not. His ambitious Yeon Hwa deserves better.

He promised Yeon Hwa the crown, he knew that she wanted her brother Wook on the throne, so he reasoned: she could be the Queen of Goryeo if she married him, because even if Wook becomes king, she would be a mere princess.

Wang Yo and Hwangbo Yeon Hwa were both greedy for the throne; His dream was Goryeo, hers was the power behind the throne.

However, when quick-witted Yeon Hwa mentioned giving up on his past marriages in order to be his first wife, the images of Lee Moon-Bae flashed before him.

He then told her that he would not give up what he had to gain a girl. She was not worth it, Yo knew perfectly clear where her loyalties lie. He pulled her close, despite Yeon Hwa's attempts to break free.

Just then the fainted 4th Prince came, witnessing the whole thing. He saw the 'Jewel of Goryeo' looking like she was at the verge of tears. He then approached his siblings. He could never understand why Yo yearned for Yeon Hwa, maybe snakes attract snakes.

Yo saw a pair of eyes, they were not Yeon Hwa's. Those pair of eyes were sad, they were ridiculously soft and hurt was clearly written on them. They could never be Yeon Hwa's. The mere sight of them ignited a fire in his heart. He dropped Yeon Hwa's arms instantly.

Lee Moon-Bae fled from the scene, with Park Seon Deok trailing after her. Seon Deok couldd not understand why Moon-Bae chose to fled. If it were her, she would be tearing the poor girl in half. She noticed that the mood had changed.

Lee Moon-Bae was trying her best to hold the tears, she did not know how unworthy she was. She would be okay with it, if it weren't her husband who said those words. Yo had made it clear, she was not enough, she was not worthy.

As both the ladies left, Yo was eager to chase after his wife. He was irritated by So, who came up to them. After throwing insults at So, Yo left abruptly to find his wife.

Lee Moon-Bae told Seon Deok to go on and that she would catch up with her soon.

Moon-Bae knew that her marriage to Yo doesn't assure his heart. Yo married her for political purposes only and she was disappointed at herself. What was she thinking?

That he would make a place in his heart for her?

Rage was building inside her. Just because they shared moments doesn't mean that he loved her! Just because he treated her properly does not mean that he liked her, he was just being polite because she saved his life! She reminded herself.

And who was she to get jealous of the beautiful Hwangbo Yeon Hwa? It's not like as if Moon-Bae and Yo had a special connection! After all their marriage was only for alliance between the two families.

She was so busy mad at herself that she did not notice fat tears making their way down her face. When Wang Jung spotted her, he was alarmed to see his sister in law crying.

"Nui! Why are you doing there? You missed Hae Soo's song! What's wrong..... Nui?"

Moon-Bae sniffled and looked at the boy who resembled Yo so much. Only if her own husband had been as considerate as his brother.

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