Craving for Love

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Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Love me when you are done
Being angry


The capital of Kaesong was lively. The busy streets, children playing in the sidewalk, merchants and vendors showcasing their merchandise and, the scenario was refreshing.

Lee Moon-Bae sat inside the palanquin, watching the scenario play. Her brother and Hyun were riding horses, leading the palanquin.

When the Grand General entered the palace of Kaesong, people were curious. They wished to know who the beautiful lady inside the palanquin was, servants and soldiers alike were charmed by the beauty.

When Lee Moon-Bae got off the palanquin, she took in the view. However, she was not astonished to see the palace of Kaesong. It was grand. That's for sure, it was grand enough to put the palace of Goryeo to shame. Alas! It did not feel like home.

Yo felt like home.

Even Lee Young, His Imperial Majesty of Kaesong, was waiting for his sister at the gate. This woman must be highly valued and appreciated, the people noted. The king of Kaesong looked pleased to meet his sister, after all he had not seen her since her marriage to the notorious Goryeo Prince. He had always doted on her, and it was no secret that he would spoiled her if she would let him.

A thousand thoughts went through the king's mind when his sister requested to come home. Did they not treat her well? Is that bastard of a man she called husband beating her? Was she not feeling safe? Was the other wives of Yo bullying her?

The king would not tolerate to see his only full-blooded sibling being treated with disrespect, much less bullied. He would slit any throat that dare sent harm in Moon-Bae's way.

Only if he was aware of the fetal abduction, her attempted suicide, the failed attempts of assassination. Lee Young would not even let Lee Moon-Bae go back to Goryeo. He would wipe out every clan that dared sent harm in her way, torture the ones who even oversaw the injustice.

The young monarch could only be happy to see the 'Jewel of Goryeo'. He welcomed her with open arms, Lee Moon-Bae rushed into his arms.

Moon-Bae was not daft, she knew that Lee Young and Lee Kang-Joon would stick with her till the very end. She felt safe in her brother's arms, but it doesn't feel like Yo's arms.

Yo had a masculine scent which belonged to him and only him, his arms were wider and his embrace was strangely warmer. He felt like home.

"Welcome home" was all Lee Young said as he led his sister in.

Moon-Bae was to reside in her former chambers during her stay in Kaesong. The chamber was richly decorated and was much more extravagant, but the Princess could not help but compare it to her chambers in Yo's home.

After having a refreshing bath, Moon-Bae was summoned to the Queen Dowager's palace. She met Hyun at her door, who accompanied her to the queen's palace.

Upon her arrival in Kaesong, the ministers and people were curious as to who she was. After all, the young monarch went out all his way to greet her at the gate. So, questions rose. But the Queen completely forbid everyone to ask about the mysterious beauty.

When Lee Moon-Bae was safely escorted to the Queen Dowager's residence, the servants were sent out. The Emperor of Kaesong and the Grand General were already making themselves comfortable.  Then the Queen Mother rose to greet her daughter, she haven't seen her since Moon-Bae was sent away, Moon-Bae was embraced in warm hug, she hugged the Queen Mother just as tight.

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