Life and living

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|• There's no one kinder than you, I mean it •|

authoressperfekt |• There's no one kinder than you, I mean it •|

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Forests and woods are perilous, cold and damp climes, yet those menaces walk through them. What is it they say? Explore? Adventure? They are foolish. Lost in the hidden worlds inside their minds — they all have me hidden within them, they are all monsters inside. The only difference between me and them would be that I was not two faced. I was a monster inside and out.

Sometimes I would shock myself. The timid, unambitious voice inside me would beg me for mercy, but I would stick firm to my feet and rid myself of it. I would not be weakened. I would not surrender. I would not stop. I only knew to kill. Killing brought peace to the broken wounds that could not be healed, to the broken mind that I could not wield, to the broken heart that could not feel.


I lurked in the darkness and nightmares. I destroyed hope, I engulfed things in flames. I would I conjure the flames from the hatred that fueled the wild beast inside me. But their hidden faces was what makes me, me. Their double traits was what brought me to life. They brought this on to themselves — a curse that will hold them vulnerable. Some of those fools believed I was a figment of their imagination — they would discover one day, just how were wrong they were. Oh, so wrong.

My ears perked up to the noise of rustling leaves, but what caught my senses was that the rustling seemed unnatural — effected by something, most likely someone. Fools, like I said — they could not even keep quiet. I crept closer and heard the whispers of my next meal. A perfect meal.

"Man, it's getting dark, we need to rest."

Rest? Rest when I was around? Unlikely.

"But we can't sleep in the middle of the forest, it's like placing ourselves on a platter for any hungry creature."

A smart one I see. The voice was sweet and feminine, most likely a girl. My years of observing had proven that females tend to be smarter than males, yet these males would act superior and would come to hunt me. It always ended with their corpses and my full belly.

"Please." Whined the husky, male voice. "I hurt all over and need some beauty sleep."

I guffawed silently, human beings sure had a good sense of humour. I peeked from behind the tree trunk and watched the girl give the boy, no older than eighteen, a disproving glare.

"Fine." She said.


They settled down on the moist soil as I steadied my heart which had jumped at the thought of a satisfying meal. They lay peacefully like peasants with no home — I leapt onto the girl and my sudden impulse caused the boy to lose his senses.

I slashed my claws against her neck, stealing away her life within seconds. An unexpected blow had me fazed for a second, but not too long. I slashed at the boy managing to dig a deep gash on his upper body. I jumped on top of him and held him under my grasp.

His wild blue eyes had me transfixed. They held emotions of all sort, except fear. They held determination and love; not for me, but for the weaker voice that punched against my chest.

I hovered my claws on his neck.

He looked like...

What was that? Was that a glimpse of good in 'it'? Or did 'it' just kill him? Oops, did I forget to mention that?

The joy of cliff hangers...

Thoughts dear reader, I'm all ears!

Thoughts dear reader, I'm all ears!

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