Character Profile 3 - Sam

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(Authors Note - I have a small tendency to go overboard when doing character profiles, so apologies. There are lots of images and I'm not sure if Wattpad will cooperate with my layout of them, so apologies if they are all over the place. Also, the profiles will also have the four main characters backstories. Additional, I have given the three canon characters, Sebastian, Abigail and Sam a variety of clothes, and have changed their background. I will roughly follow the canon of the game but will stray from it in various aspects.)

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


Full Name - Sam Nolan Dalton

Age - 23

Birthday - Summer 17th

Family - Mother (Jodie Sara Dalton nee Lain)

                 Father (Kent Ellis Dalton)

                 Brother (Vincent Quinn Dalton)

Appearance - Height - 5 feet 8 inches (about 68 inches)

                            Weight - 166 lbs

                            Body type - Average body, a little bit of muscle but not much.

                            Eyes - Brown

                            Hair - Blonde

Past - When Sam was 12, Kent was deployed to an undisclosed location. Less than 8 months later, his mother had Vincent. Kent would be deployed for 2-3 years, return for a few months, then be redeployed. When Sam was 5, he met Sebastian in junior school, and they became best friends throughout school. They both met Abigail when he was 12. When they graduated, Sam completed a college course in music, and started a rock band with Sebastian and Abigail called 'The Alfalfas' Sam hates how much his dad is away, and how he rarely supports Jodie.

Secrets - He is actually quite good at fishing. (Willie taught him)

                   He's had a massive crush on Abigail since junior school.

Fears - That both parents leave him and Vincent


Companions - Future (Abigail Daphney Callisto)

Tattoos - The Alfalfas all have a tattoo on their ankle of the band's name

Scars - None

Clothes -

Clothes -

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