Prologue - Sebastian

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Not far from Zuzu City was Moondrop City, where, in the suburbs, lived a happy family of three, Robin and Flynn Elymas, and their son Sebastian. Robin owned a furniture business, and Flynn owned a garden shop. But every family has their secrets. Unbeknownst to Robins' family, their daughter had married a warlock. Flynn was from a long line of magic users, and knew that his powers would pass down to his son. While uncomfortable with the idea of magic, Robin was comforted with the knowledge that her husband rarely used his powers, and would never use them on his family. One day, when Sebastian was three, his dad went out on one of his many motorbikes, and never returned. The authorities of Moondrop city searched for him, but all they could find was his motorbike, mangled at the bottom of Moondrop lake a week after he disappeared. He was presumed dead, and Robin was now a widow. Over the following year, tiny Sebastian would spot glimpses of his dad, but after one too many times, Robin was distraught that her son was reminding her of their loss.

Wishing for a fresh start, the two moved to Pelican Town. For the first few months, they lived in a trailer, as Robin was building their home by herself, but once it was finished they lived comfortably. Over time, Robin fell in love with a local scientist, Demetrius McCarthy, and the two eventually married. Demetrius wasn't fond of Sebastian, as he reminded Robin and himself of her first marriage. When Sebastian was six, Robin and Demetrius had Maru, his half sister. Seeing as she was biologically his daughter, Demetrius favoured Maru, and hated that she had to share a room with Sebastian. This made Sebastian feel like Maru was his replacement. After talking through with Robin, Demetrius had a basement added to the house, and Sebastian was moved down there. This only isolated Sebastian more from the growing McCarthy family. Also at this age, he met a boy called Sam while playing at the nearby park. The two became best friends.

As Sebastian grew up, he looked more and more like his dad, and when he turned 11, his heritage shone through, as he began to develop magic. Only Robin, Demetrius and 5 year old Maru knew about his powers, and none of them knew how to control them. Thankfully, Robin found a box of Flynn's diaries he had left Sebastian, which she gave to Sebastian. Using the journals, he learnt how to control his magic. However magic went against everything Demetrius, and eventually Maru, knew. They were scientists, magic wasn't exactly logical. Demetrius' attitude towards Sebastian spread in the family, and soon even his own mother preferred Maru over him.

At 13 years old, and his powers under control, Sebastian was allowed to go to High School with other kids from the town, including Sam. It was at this school the two boys met Abigail, the daughter of the local grocers. The three became firm friends and supported each other throughout high school. When they graduated, they did different things. Sebastian traveled every day to the nearby college, where he gained two degrees in programming and mechanics. Sam also travelled daily to a different local college, gaining a degree in Music. Abigail stayed at home and did an online business degree, as well as helping out in her dad's shop.

Once he finished college, Sebastian continued to live in Robin and Demetrius's basement, as he didn't have enough money to move out. He became a freelancer programmer to earn some money, which he split three ways, general savings, home savings, and motorbike repair. Flynn had left all 7 of his motorbikes to his son. Robin had almost sold all of them, until the local farmer, Devon Sparks, allowed Sebastian to store the bikes in an old shed of his. They came up with a written agreement that Sebastian could store and work on the bikes in the shed until he left Pelican Town. Devon had since passed away, and the ownership of the land was uncertain, but whatever happened, Sebastian would always be allowed to work on his bikes. Also, once Abigail and Sam finished their courses, they formed a band, the Alfalfas. This is where we begin our story.

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