Chapter Four - The First Day

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(Image above is of the lane that links the farm to the town and bus stop. Just imagine the grass is not as tall as it is in the image.)

California was awoken from her slumber by her alarm, which could be described as something between a guttural cry and a shriek. It was infuriating, it grated the nerves, it made you grind your teeth until it was done. But it was very effective. Hence why California was using it to get up at 6am. 'Early starts. I hate them, but they allow me to get more done.' She thought. Stumbling to the kitchen, she put a kettle of water onto the stove, and lit the wood. While waiting for the water to boil, California stepped into the backyard. The morning sunrise was a breathtaking display of radiant colors. Bright streaks of red, pink, and orange slowly overcame the dark blue and purple of the twilight sky. The sky resembled a prism; all the colors blended perfectly into each other. The sun itself was just peeking out of the horizon, and its brilliant rays already shined brightly and began to warm the air.

The chorus of the morning had begun, as the animals gradually awoke and began conversing with each other. The birds flew through the ever developing canvas of the dawn, as if their wings were fine quills, drawing such buoyant hues. California relaxed as the sounds soothed her. She was used to waking to the hustle and bustle of the city, so the calming sound of nature was new to her, but she enjoyed it more. From the backyard, California could make out the sound of the kettle whistling, and reluctantly went inside. Taking the kettle off the stove, she prepared a cup of tea, and using the small amount of groceries she had brought with her, made toast.

Looking at the clock, California realised that her mother would be waking up in less than half an hour, so she predicted a call from her in under an hour. Finishing her breakfast, California set about tidying the cabin. She had received an email the night before saying that it would be another day until the moving company delivered her belongings, so for now, it was a matter of dusting, sweeping and wiping down the house along with it's seven years worth of dust. Thankfully, in one of the kitchen cabinets, California found a broom, duster, bucket and a cloth. Pouring the remaining boiled water into the bucket, and adding soap, California began to sweep and scrub the stone floor. She had just finished the kitchen floor when her phone began to ring.

Without looking at the caller ID, she picked up, and held the phone away from her ear. "CALIFORNIA ESTELLA SPARKS, WHERE ON EARTH ARE YOU? NO NOTE, BELONGINGS GONE! TELL ME WHERE YOU ARE SO YOUR FATHER CAN PICK YOU UP!" Isobel's screeches echoed through the home, as California sighed, waiting for the yelling to stop before placing the phone to her ear. "Good morning to you too mother. Don't worry, I'm still on Earth, and father already knows where I am. Does Rosewood Acres ring a bell?" The other end of the line was silent, and knowing what was coming, California held the phone away again. "YOU'RE ON THAT WORTHLESS FARM! HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT IT, AND WHY ARE YOU THERE? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUR FATHER ALREADY KNOWS? WHEN YOU GET BACK, YOU'LL BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" California rolled her eyes at the temper tantrum. "Yes I'm on the farm, you left the letter in a visible place, and I found it when I came home from work. I'm not going to come back to Zuzu City. I'm happier out here already, and there's nothing you can do anymore. Have a lovely day mother." Already sick of her mother's attitude, California hung up and continued to clean.

An hour later, and she had managed to clean all the floors, and has started on the windows. Her phone had been buzzing non stop with calls and messages from her mother, so California had abandoned it on her bed. By this stage, it was 8am, and California was still in her pyjamas. Deciding that she had done enough cleaning for the time being, she changed into the only other set of clothes she had brought in her rucksack, her short denim dungarees and a white t-shirt. Pulling socks on, and her hiking boots, California stepped out the front door of the cabin. She was met with the wild forest living on the farmland, and the symphony of the birds. Wandering around the house exterior, she made notes as to what needed repaired and replaced. After completing a few circles, she began to hear the sound of a truck coming down the lane. Finishing up her notes, Lewis walked through the gate and greeted her. "Hello California! Hope you slept well."

"Good morning Lewis. I did, the cabin is very cozy." She responded.

"That's good. I came by this morning as I remembered I had forgotten to show you a few things." He wandered over to the porch, to the firewood storage. Pulling on a handle that California only just noticed, Lewis opened a storage cupboard. "Your grandfather stored all of his tools here, and they were left for you to use." He left the cupboard open and walked back over to California. Reaching into his pocket, he handed her a few packets of seeds and an envelope. "Just a little gift to get you started. Also, I double checked all documents in the museum, there was a letter addressed to you, and everything else is in order. I've some other things to do today, so I must be off. Have a nice day, California."

California, wanting to get on with her day, left the letter on the kitchen sideboard and placed the seeds, which were parsnip seeds, in the pocket of her dungarees. As she left the house, she pulled her rucksack on her back and locked the door behind her. Going over to the storage cupboard, she pulled five tools out before closing it; a hoe, an axe, a pickaxe, a scythe and a watering can. Strapping the hoe and pickaxe to the sides of her rucksack, California left the watering can and scythe next to the house. Picking a plot of land close to the house, California began the long, exhausting task of clearing the vegetation from it. A few hours later, she had done it. A small section of the farmland had been restored and California's backpack was now full of stones and wood. Taking the hoe from her rucksack, she began to prepare the soil for the seeds. Soon, California was planting and watering the seeds, using the watering can she had retrieved from the cabin.

Standing back to admire her work, California looked at her watch and was shocked that it was already 1pm. She tidied up, putting the watering can, hoe and scythe in the storage cabinet, and grabbed her purse from the kitchen. Stepping back outside, California began the walk to Pelican town. Now that she was walking in the lane, not sitting in a car, she took the time to look around. The lane was a winding, dirt path, criss-crossed with tree roots and bordered with flowers. Every so often, a tree would stand, emerging from the hedge and providing shade from the afternoon sunshine. After walking for 30 minutes, California reached the entrance to the town. She could see a few people walking around, but no one had noticed her yet. After observing for a few minutes, California spotted Robin, who had just walked down the slope next to the entrance. "Hi there California! Come to introduce yourself?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, I don't really know where to begin." California laughed quietly.

"If you'd like, I can give you a tour and introduce you to everyone." Robin smiled as California nodded her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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