A Rude Awakening

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Chapter 1

I woke up gasping, and I couldn't move. I started thrashing around trying to find out what was restraining me, then I opened my eyes, it took a moment for them to focus but I saw the "thing" restraining me was my older sister, Kiana. I stopped thrashing immediately and looked to her face, it was etched with worry and concern. I felt a slight pinch on my arms and saw that she was tangled on top of me. Her legs were wound around mine so I couldn't move them and her hands were gripping my upper arms so tight she was pinching me. And she was still staring at me.

"Um..Ki do you mind?" When she didn't get off me I tried to throw her off but she only held on tighter. Then I really looked at her face, she looked strained and really worried, I had to put her mind at ease.

"Ki, listen I'm ok, I promise, see, I'm still here, there is nothing trying to harm either of us, we are safe, you are safe." She still wasn't listening, she was looking at me but she wasn't looking at me, it was like she was in a trance, and it was scaring the crap out of me. Finally she seemed to snap out of her haze.

"Um...uh...your...um....your" She was stammering, I started to get nervous because Kiana was a really brave person and it took a lot to make her even blink. So the fact that she was stammering while in a haze like state was really starting to freak me out. She took a huge breath and then exhaled slowly.

"Um... Your eyes..." She finally choked out, it was then that she slowly, almost mechanically got off of me and stepped back allowing me to go to my bathroom. I jumped up and ran into my bathroom, staring at the mirror. I gasped, oh my god! She was right, my eyes! They were a vibrant purple, almost as if they were glowing, I squeezed my eyes closed and then slowly opened them again. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding, when I saw that my eyes had gone back to their normal chocolate brown.

I ran my hand through my short dark hair, still startled. I walked back out into my bedroom and my gaze immediately locked with Kiana's. She seemed to have started breathing again, and there was some colour back in her face as she came rushing at me with her arms wide. I almost fell over when she reached me, bumping hard into my chest. Somehow I managed to stay up right and lean over slightly, resting my chin on the top of her head and wrapping my arms around her small body. We stayed like that for a while, until she pulled back to look at me again.

"Ty, it happened again... But this time you wouldn't stop thrashing. And when I finally did stop you, you opened your eyes and they were glowing!" She stepped back again and I let her, knowing that after seeing that she needed some space. "I know that after everything you had to go through..." She trailed off and took a breath trying to start again. "You have been having nightmares for weeks but... Nothing like this..." She guestured to my eyes, "has ever happened before." There wasn't anything I could say to make her feel better so I just nodded.

She was right, after the car crash I had been having nightmares, but this was something entirely different, it wasn't a nightmare. I had a dream about someone I don't even know, but she smelled like roses and crisp morning air. Wait, what? I could smell her, wait, her? I replayed the dream in my head. I was lying in my room on my bed but then this wonderful smell wafted into my room so I got up and followed it into my hallway. Then one of the walls turned into clouded glass, I could make out shapes on the other side and noticed that it was another bedroom.

But there was someone, in the room. I started walking again and found myself on the other side of the room, the scent was even more intoxicating here. I saw something move inside the room, so I moved again to try and get a better look, I found that I was back to where I started, near my bedroom. The person on the other side of the glass moved closer and I could see the shadow better now, I could see that it was a girl. Also every time she moved closer I got a new wave of that wonderful scent, roses and crisp morning air, I took a really deep breath and enjoyed it for a moment before whispering,

"Who are you?" Then I saw the shadow jump and I heard a gasp. Almost as if the girl heard me. But I knew that was impossible, even if it was a dream.

When I came back to myself, I looked around my room and saw that Kiana was looking at our family pictures on top of my dresser and she was saying something.

"-sad, and hard but we can do this, we have to do this." She paused and looked to me, a sad smile was on her face. I walked over to her and gently put my hands over hers on the picture frame. I nodded, agreeing. "Yes, Ki we can do this." And with that she put the picture back down on my dresser and jumped around to face me and put her small little hands on my chest. She now had a huge wicked smile on her face and I knew she was just putting on a mask, to be strong for me.

"You wanna know what else we can do?" She raised her eyebrows tauntingly. I chuckled and shook my head, wondering if she had some kind of emotion switch, to be able to go from sad to giddy in less than a second. "Ya, what else can we do?" She jumped up at this and as she ran out the door, laughing, she yelled back "We can race each other to the kitchen to see who has to do the dishes!" I laughed again, and ran after her down the hall.

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