Chapter 4

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3rd Persons POV
Mei was bored one day at her estate and decided to help Kanao, Aoi, and some of the other girls train the boys.

When they were done for the day the boys wanted to train more. I saw Kanao watching from a distance. "Are you going to join them?" Mei asked her. Kanao didn't answer her, she just fiddled with the coin she had in her hand.

Suddenly Mei saw Shinobu. "It's really rare to see you without a mask Yamamoto-san," Shinobu commented. Mei just smiled and saw Mitsuri running towards them waving, with Iguro close behind her. "Yamamoto-san! Kocho-san!" She exclaimed. When she was close she stopped and stood in front of me. "It's finally good to see you!" She exclaimed shaking her hand.

They talked for a few minutes then Feya called out to Mei. "Yamamoto-san! Yamamoto-san! Oyakata-sama has requested to see you!" Mei sighed and said her goodbyes making her way to Oyakata-Samas meeting spot.

When she arrived she saw Rengoku. She sat next to him and patiently waited for Oyakata.

The mission was that Rengoku was going on a train with three other demon slayers and that she'd be watching over them.

~A few days later~
Mei's nightmares have started to continue, and she's been trying to shake them off. She was at a pillar meeting and was kind of lost in thought and didn't realize her name was being called until Muichiro nudged her shoulder. She looked at him and he nodded his head towards Oyakata-sama.

"Mei." He repeated. "I'm sorry sir...please forgive me." She apologized embarrassed that people were staring at her. "It's alright...I have a question for you." He smiled and asked calmly. "Yes sir?" "How much sleep have you been getting?" "Uh...if I'm being honest...only a few hours." "Have those night terrors started again?" "Yes...they have sir," Mei said quietly looking down not wanting to make eye contact with people. The other pillars seemed either concerned that Oyakata mentioned nightmares or shocked that Mei spaced out like that.

"Are you doing okay Mei?" He asked her. "Yes sir, please don't worry about me," Mei said trying to sound as convincing as possible. "I hope it gets better. You should probably stop by Shinobus estate later." "Yes sir."

He continued the meeting and when it was over Mei felt a little light-headed. "Dammit not again." She mumbled to herself pinching the bridge of her nose. She wasn't fully aware that the other pillars started to spy on her. They were planning to do so hoping to learn more about the mystery girl they had worked with occasionally but still knew so little about. She never talked a lot about herself so they don't know much about her. She was a very private person.

She also didn't notice Tanjiro and his friends were on this barrel and it was rolling towards her. "Yamamoto-San Watch out," Tanjiro yelled. She was able to jump up in time, but some idiot grabbed her foot and made her land with them. "Inosuke! You idiot! Why did you grab her foot!" Zenitsu yelled. Mei had landed on top of Tanjiro. Mai was stunned for a second but realized she was on top of him. Zenitsu and Tanjiro both panicked and got on their hands and knees bowing multiple times while apologizing. "Inosuke! Apologize!" She quickly stood up and they kept bowing and apologizing. " no It's okay. You can stop apologizing. I'm fine. Don't worry! Are you guys okay?" Mei said trying to reassure them. "Yeah! We're fine!"

"Oh! Yamamoto-san your bleeding!" Tanjiro exclaimed. She looked at her arm and saw a piece of the wood from the barrel was stuck. "Oh, I guess I am." She shrugged and pulled it out without a flinch. The three boys looked at her like she was a god. Steam blew out of Inosuke mask and it almost seemed like sparkles were around him from utter amazement.

"That didn't hurt?!" Zenitsu yelled. "Not really, I just have a high pain tolerance," Mei replied taking off her haori. It showed off her curves that's no one had to see before. It was obvious she was in great shape and very healthy. A small blush appeared on Zenitsus and Tanjiros faces. "Woah! Super skinny! I thought you were fat that you hid it with baggy clothes!" Inosuke yelled.

Mei glared at him and Tanjiro and Zenitsu both harshly smacked him. "Inosuke! That was rude!" Tanjiro yelled. "I'm so sorry about his comment please forgive him!"

The boys started to argue and Mei helped clean up. The boys soon joined her. "Yamamoto-san are you okay?" Tanjiro asked her. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" "Your scent smells different." "Does it now?" Tanjiro nodded his head. She hummed and nodded.

"Tanjiro-Kun, may I ask...What were you three doing rolling on a barrels ?" "Training of course!" Tanjiro exclaimed. "That's training?" Mei asked confused. "Yeah! It helps with balance...say Yamamoto-san do you have any training tips?" "Anything specific?" "Hmm....balance!" Mei thought for a minute and started to tell them some things that may help remembering some methods her master and father taught her. They thanked her and continued their training. Mei sighed and look at her bleeding arm . "I do have a spare uniform right?" She asked herself. 

Before she got to even walk a few steps, she was once again interrupted by more people. Some Kakushis was calling her name. "Yamamoto-san! Yamamoto-san!" They called. She turned towards them and they were panting heavily. "A few barrels are missing, have you seen any?" Her face changed. Dammit, boys. "Um, not that I'm aware of." She lied. "I'll be sure to let you know if I do." She said afterward with a smile. The two Kakushi blushed. "Ma'am you look extra pretty today!" The woman said. "Thank you." Mei smiled again.

The two Kakushi then ran off in search of their missing broken barrels. When they were out of sight Mei sighed. "Dammit. I'll kill those boys." She mumbled to herself. She first changed her clothes into a clean uniform and took care of her wound. Some of the pillars saw the scar on her side before looking away and whispering to each other until she finished to continue spying since still at the moment they had nothing else better to do.

She went and found the three boys. She scolded them about the barrels and they apologized and returned them as asked to scared of what the woman was capable of. "Fight me! Fight me god! When I win I'll become a god! Ruler of the land! I'll be King Inosuke! Haha!" Inosuke yelled.

It took one swift motion to knock him down. He looked at her amazed, and she walked away.

She went to her estate and jumped up to her roof. She calmly looked at the sky and read her book. She eventually fell asleep and woke up with a violent jolt after having a flashback. The jolt was violent enough to make her book start to fall off the roof. When she tried to grab it it was her unlucky day and she as well as her book fell into her well taken care of pond. She let out a small scream by accident making the pillars watch what just happened. Some tried to hold in a laugh.

Mei sat up with a pout now completely soaked looking like a child. She held up her book to look at it. "Dammit!" She whined. "Today is really not my day." She said kind of loudly with frustration.

She took out her hair to reveal her long smooth black hair. She set her hair clip next to the pond and some Kakushi heard her scream and came to see what was going on. They immediately ran to her asking how they could assist her. She asked if they could get her a towel and her black and white yukata. They nodded and immediately grabbed it. Mei unbuttoned her slayer uniform top to reveal a white button-up top she had underneath. It was a three-minute wait until they had what they needed. She got dried off instead of showering before she changed. She couldn't wear any of her uniforms at the moment. One was drying, one was dirty, one had a hole now, and one was soaking wet and nowhere near dry. She put on her mask and also had Feya send a note to her master.

She sat on the porch of her estate.  "I should probably visit Kocho soon about these night terrors." She said to herself. She suddenly heard something from a bush. It also happened to be a bush that all the pillars were behind. She used her good sense of hearing and shook her head. "I know you're all there." She said. The pillars seemed to give up and emerged from their hiding spots. They apologized, and she just shrugged it off. She knew the whole day, but just chose to say nothing.

She eventually talked to Kocho and she's having her try medication to see if it helps.

Hello everyone! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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