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~Harry POV~

I was walking back to the Dursleys. I tried to avoid the dreadful house as much as possible. I was about to enter the house when a cloth went over my mouth. 

I struggled to scream. the cloth on my mouth was drugged. My every breath felt like I was breathing fire. I tried to reach for my wand. Someone had already grabbed my wand.

I tried to see who was attacking me but failed. My vision started turning black around the edges. "The dark Lord will be happy to see you Potter." Someone said in my ear. 

I was struggling to breathe. I felt an explosion of pain in my head. Everything went black.

~Draco POV~

I was pacing in my room. My inheritance was going to start soon. I was just about to pace back to my bed when I felt an explosion of pain in my back. I screamed and collapsed in pain. 

It felt like my entire body was on fire.  I screamed again when I felt my back opening, revealing my wings. Blood dropped down my back.  Mother came into the room and hugged me. 

the pain faded away.  I hugged mother back. It felt like everything was going to be okay in that moment. 

 "Draco, Narcissa, the dark Lord has arrived. Come down so we can discuss what to do with the boy." Father said from the doorway.

Mother and I got up and walked down to the living room. Who was the 'boy' father referred too? Was he someone I knew? 

My head was full of questions when I got to the living room. The living room was full of people. Death eaters, including my godfather Snape. A small group of vampires. Fernir Greyback and the dark Lord were all sitting in the living room. 

 "Welcome back friends. I assume we all know why we are here." They dark Lord said looking around the room. there was a round of nods and mumbled yes.

 "Have you collected the boy Lucius?" The dark Lord asked .

 "Yes my lord." Father replied. 

 "Good. Pettigrew to down and get the boy. " Peter Pettigrew went down to the dungeon and came up a few minutes later with an unconscious boy. 

His raven hair was a filthy mess.  His skin was covered in bruises and dirt. His glasses were broken. He seemed really small for his age too.

They boy opened his eyes weakly. They were emerald green like Potters. Then I realized it was because the boy was Potter. 

For some reason I felt like I should help him.  His eyes were begging me to help him. Get out of this cursed manor and take him somewhere safe. Too protect him with my life. 

After a few seconds i realized why I felt like this. 

Harry Potter is my mate.

A/N I really hope you enjoy this chapter. I know it's short. 

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