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~Ginny POV~
"Your Harry?" I asked Malfoy furious. Malfoy looked terrified at what he said. Was there a secret he was trying to hide.
I looked back where Harry was supposed to be, but he was gone. "I can explain." Malfoy said looking down.
"You can explain later Malfoy. We need to go find Harry." Ron spat.
Malfoy looked over where Harry was sitting. He growled low in his throat.
"Whats the matter Malfoy? You are acting so weird." I said, rolling my eyes.
~Harry POV~
I sat in the bathroom with my head against the door. I could hear everything they were saying down in the living room. "There's nothing wrong with me." Draco spat. I could tell Draco was upset.
I went over to the mirror and looked into it. My skin was as white as a sheet. My eye color had dimmed extremely overnight. I realized my reflection was blurred together as well.
"Harry! Where are you?" Hermione yelled as she ran past the bathroom. I was about to head out when the door opened. I saw Draco and then he grabbed my arm.
I hissed in pain. "Harry." Draco said as he pulled me closer to him. Draco hugged me and I started crying. "What happened Harry? Why were you shaking this morning? Whats going on?" Draco asked as I moved away.
"I don't want to talk about it." I mumble.
~Draco POV~
I looked at Harry concerned. Harry looked back at mirror and sighed. I looked at Harrys arm and gasped at what I saw. Blood. "What happened to your arm?" I demand.
"Why would you care?" Harry spat back.
"I care because you're my mate. Harry Potter I've liked you since first year and I went through my inheritance and you're my mate." I explained. Harry looked shocked at what I just said.
"What exactly is your creature inheritance?" Harry asked.
"Im a veela." I say as I open my wings. Harry backed away looking scared. "Harry I'm not going to hurt you." I say as i reach my hand out.
"Dont touch me." He said tears filling his eyes. Harry slid down the wall onto the floor. His eyes looked glassed over. I went to take a step towards him. No reaction.
"No...please no..." Harry was muttering something. Was it a flashback? I wrapped an arm around him. Harry didn't notice. I pulled harry close and he whimpered.
"Harry." I say. He just keeps muttering no as he started shaking. I wrapped my wings around Harry and I. Harry must of snapped out of whatever flashback he was in because he buried his face in my neck.
"D-do you really like me?" Harry sobbed into my neck. I felt his tears drop onto my skin. I cupped Harry's face and looked into his dull green eyes.
"Of course I like you Harry. I promise whatever happened in your past I won't let ot happen again." I said as I pulled Harry into a hug.
"I found them!" The weaselette said. Harry looked up afraid. I growled at her as I pulled Harry closer to me. He buried his face into my neck.
"What the bloody hell Malfoy?" The weasel yelled.

A/n I really hope you like this story so far. I know the chapters are short and I'm sorry about that. How will everyone react when they find out about Harry and Draco? Read the next chapter to find out!

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