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~Ron POV~
I was walking to the living room with Hermione. When I got there was Harry and Malfoy lying on the floor. "Oh my god Ron!" Hermione shrieked.
"What happened to them?" Ginny asked as she looked at the sight before her. Harry was all covered in blood and a unhealthy pale color. Malfoy looked like he was just fine except for a bruise on his head.
"Mom!" Ginny called. My mother came into the room and gasped at the sight.
"What happened to them?" Mom asked.
"We don't know. When we were walking to the couch we came into the room and they were just laying here." Hermione explains.
"Well it looks like they have been through a lot. We should probably move them." Mom said as she levitates Harry onto the couch. She than did the same to Malfoy but put him in a chair instead.
"They should be alright. I'll check on them in a bit." Mom said before leaving the room.
~Harry POV~
I was back at the Dursleys. They haven't fed me in a month. I didn't care that they didn't feed me though. I was already destined to die.
"Dinner is burnt you freak." Vernon yelled as he grabbed my neck. I was used to this by now though. It actually helped with the pain I was feeling with the lost of Sirius.
Vernon started punching my face. "You're a worthless, stupid, dumb freak!" I held back a scream as Vernon punched my chest. There was a sickening crack as he punched my chest again.
"No one likes you Potter!"
I ignored the pain. Then I was punched in the face and there was another crack and I passed out from the pain and loss of blood.
My eyes shot open and I sat up. I let out a small hiss of pain. I was lying on a lumpy couch. I saw Draco on the chair not to far from me. Draco watched me, but he seemed to be in his own thoughts.
"What happened?" I asked. Draco blinked and looked at me.
"I think you passed out from the pain earlier. We're at the Weasleys house." Draco said as he got up and sat next to me.
I realized I was shaking and looked away from Draco. Draco cupped my cheek and made me look at him. "Y-youre crying. Whats wrong?" Draco said concern flooding his voice.
"Why would you care?" I mumble.
"HARRY!" Hermione yelled as she hugged me tightly.
"What happened to you mate?" Ron asked as he hugged me as well. I didn't answer. My dream came back to me in a flash. Vernon, the burnt dinner, the Dursleys.
"What did you do to him Malfoy?" Ron demanded.
"I did nothing. If I hadn't intervened at my manor Potter would be dead." Draco spat.
"What do you mean he would be dead?" Hermione asked.
"Har-Potter was kidnapped by my father. He was taken to my manor where the dark lord was waiting to decide how to kill him. I was chosen to-" I was cut off.
"You're trying to say that Harry was KIDNAPPED by YOUR father?" Ginny asked Draco, furious.
"Yes he was. The dark lord chose me to decide how he died. I cho-"
"So you are saying that Harry just happened to be alive after getting hit by the killing curse." Hermione said.
"Ugh yes. Hes 'the chosen one' so of course he survived the curse again." Draco growled.
"Ah, I thought I heard voices. How are you feeling Harry and Draco?" Mrs. Weasley said as she walked into the room.
"Im feeling better than earlier." I must of stopped shaking and crying. I was just about to get up when Draco growled at everyone for some reason.
"Are you okay Malfoy?" I ask quietly.
"Of course I am my Harry." Draco responded. Draco immediately realizing what he said covered his mouth.
"Your Harry?" Ginny asked, Draco confused.

A/n I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I am SO sorry that the chapters are short.How do you think I'm doing on this story? What will happen in the next chapter? Read to find out!

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