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~Harry POV~
I was walking in the woods. It was first year again. I saw the Voldemorts soul as it went and drank unicorn blood. Draco screamed and ran...
I was in the chamber of secrets. Ginny was on the ground, dying. Tom riddle stood there controlling the basilisk. I killed the basilisk and almost died. I used the basilisk fang to destroy the diary. The first horcrux I destroyed.
I was in the graveyard. My scar was burning. I watched as Cedric got killed by Voldemort. I watched as Voldemort came back to power. How his followers all returned to him. How i had to duel with him and how I saw the people Voldemort killed. I escaped alive.
We were in the ministry. I watched as Sirius got hit with the killing curse and went through the veil. I remembered chasing Bellatrix and almost killing her. How Voldemort came to the ministry and fought Dumbledore. I remembered getting possessed by Voldemort.
~Draco POV~
"Please...no...Sirius no..." Harry mumbled as he started shaking. He was in the hospital wing lying on the bed. "Harry, wake up." I said shaking his shoulder. Harry woke up with a scream.
"Shh...its okay Harry." I said as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.
"Its all my fault." He whispered as he cried. I rubbed circles on his back. "Nothing is your fault." I say as I look at Harrys face. It was tear streaked.
"They all died because of me..." Harry said as he looked into my eyes.
I looked into his crimson eyes. His eyes were glowing as he looked at me.  "Im dangerous Draco. I've killed so many people."
"You didn't kill anyone. They were protecting you."
"My entire family is gone because of Voldemort. I have no one left."
"You have me Harry." I said as i pulled him into a tight hug. "You need to eat Harry." I said as i went to go get food for Harry. I came back a few minutes later and gave him the biscuits and toast.
Harry looked ready to vomit. He picked up a biscuit and took a small  bite. He immediately ran out of the room and threw up. I moved his bangs and looked at him.
"I can't eat normal food." Harry said as he looked down.
"Harry, you can drink my blood." I said as i moved my head so he could drink. "I can't." Harry said.
"You have too. If you don't you'll die."
"I won't die. I can't drink your blood."
"I want you to live Harry. Please. Even if its only one time." I was pleading at this point.
I felt teeth sink into my neck. I bit my lip so I didn't whimper. A few minutes later he was done and looked at me. "Im sorry Draco." Harry said looking away.
"Dont be." I said. I cupped his face and looked into his eyes. I kissed him and his eyes widened in shock. He closed his eyes and kissed me back.
We broke the kiss a few minutes later and I looked at Harry. "I love you Harry Potter. I always have. I always will." I said as i hugged him.

A/n I hope you liked this chspter. If there are spelling errors in any of the chapters please tell me. I'm trying to make the chapters longer. What will happen in the next chapter? Read to find out!

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