Use your voice wisely

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Warning! Hate messages and death threats.

Short chapter

You woke up to Ophelia spooning you from behind. It's a comfortable and nice position to be in, but you're still upset over the things he said yesterday. If felt like you had to choose between him or your career.

You rubbed your eyes, feeling his lips pecking your cheek.

"God, you snore." He chuckled and buried his head in your neck.

"I did?" You groggily asked.

"Of course you did. You must be dead tired." He whispered, pulling the comforter over your shoulders.

"Don't ya have a photoshoot today?" You mumbled.

"I Cancelled it."

"Why? And you can actually do that?" You yawned.

"I wanted to spend more time with you as your official boyfriend." He held you closer to his chest.

"Right." You pursed your lips. That does not sit right with you. No one was supposed to know that the both of you were a thing in the first place.

"When did you take this?" You pinched the bridge of your nose as you eyed the picture he posted online.

You were using his volumptious hair as a scarf, it looks like you're unaware that Ophelia was taking a photo of you. It's almost a habit to wrap his hair around your neck, it's warm and soft.

"A few months ago after your cast has been removed." The blond loosely coiled his arms around your torso, resting his chin on your shoulder.

There were an ungodly amount of comments, 'resqueaks' and 'likes'. You gulped and scrolled down, there is no way are you going to read them.

Then you came across a post from Ophelia's account...

"What the— why did— why did you call them out!?" You panicked. He posted a statement 'exposing' the accounts that sent hate messages and death threats to you.

The post also encourages to cyberbully them back and with millions of viewers...

And million more comments...

"They deserved it." He licked the shell of your ear. You shuddered but you easily brushed off his teases.

"No! Wait, you can't just do shit like that! T-this is doxxing, it's illegal— they can sue us!" You stuttered. Ophelia just nonchalantly shrugged.

"I'm merely 'amplifying' what they said online. I did not include their home addresses, I did not include any other private information of them. What is so wrong about it?" He sneakily tucked his hand under your shirt, caressing your bare skin.

"Ophelia! You gotta understand the severity of this, they're probably just dumb kids that don't know better— I know your fanbase, bud. If you don't dox them, they will. I've seen your fans send death threats AND reveal social security numbers like it's nothing!" Ophelia stared at you, still not understanding your point.

"I get that they shouldn't do this, but at least censor their name a-and don't encourage your fans to do the same to them! It's gonna scar them for life and maybe even affect their future!" You hopped off his lap and shook him by the arms.

"This one small mistake can really cost them their entire lives! Not only theirs, maybe even their innocent family members and friends. Our fans will attack them too! I don't think they deserve to be tormented like that just because they disapprove of us or told me to 'K-Y-S'. They're gonna live everyday in fear!" You choked back a sob.

Ophelia smirked before pressing a kiss on your lips.

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They should have thought twice before pressing the 'squeak' button. They can choose their actions, but they can't choose the consequences that will follow. They deserve all of this." He stood up, fixing his hair and his glasses.

"Get changed, we're going on a date." He gave you a side eye glance before sauntering away. Leaving you alone in the dining room to reflect on what happened.

You sighed and rubbed your temples. You're starting to regret confessing your feelings to him two years ago.

Maybe he's right. You should have thought twice about that.

"Get changed? Don't I look decent enough?" You mumbled as you watch your reflection in the mirror right in front of you.

You're wearing a (your fav pastel colour) long sleeved sweater with  a loose, worn black T-shirt over it.

"My jeans look okay." You took a look at your baggy, faded jeans. There are a few rips here and there but nothing too serious.

You grumbled. Time to bust out your sunglasses, baseball cap and face mask again. You can't afford the having the public going crazy just because you and Ophelia are seen together.

You hope that he's wearing something to hide his face too. A sombrero, perhaps?

You snorted, it would be funny seeing him wearing that because that is completely out of his character.

But then, knowing your boyfriend's photogenic properties, he'll probably pull the look off flawlessly. You sulked, wishing that you're as photogenic as him.

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