Semi success

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"Ow..." you rubbed your lower back. It did not go unnoticed by your boyfriend. Ophelia felt... bad about that. Yes, he loves performing coitus with you, however, you worry him. Did he handle you too rough last night? Did he... perhaps, tear anything inside you with his impressive 'size'?

You're comparatively tiny and lightweight to his 6'8 stature. Did he accidentally squash you with 210 pounds of his body mass?

Actually, anyone is relatively small to Ophelia. His hands are probably twice the size of your head, another feature of him that fascinates you. Large, long, bony yet smooth and soft hands. They're always warm and such a great thing to lie your head on.

You're his little darling adrenaline demon. It's like pain doesn't affect you, he wouldn't know when exactly to stop (of course, when he thinks that you're about to pass out, he will immediately halt the process) as you wouldn't tell him to stop.

Ophelia is afraid that he's somehow harming your health.

The blond sets his glass of wine down and pushed his phone into the pocket of his bathrobe. He adjusted his glasses once again before rushing into the bathroom.

"(Y/n)?" He gently hugged you from behind as you absentmindedly stare at yourself in the mirror. His long, lush hair is tickling the side of your hickey infested neck.

"Is that a hickey or a bruise?" You mumbled, poking at the purplish-red discolouration on your (skintone) skin. Ophelia ignored your question and focused on your face instead.

Huh? Did you not get enough sleep? There are bags under your eyes.

"Hey..." you grumbled as he carried you by the armpits. You're too tired to yell profanities at him.

"You're going back to bed." He murmured, gently setting you down on the soft mattress.

"But I gotta get some grub." You replied, trying to pry his hands off you. You manage to get one away, but it then went up to caress your face.

"I'll call room service. Stop being such a stubborn mule and rest. Your eyebags are... unbelievably huge, did you wake up in the middle of the night?" He ran his fingers through your (h/c), (hair type) hair.

"How the hell should I know?" You mumbled, each successive syllable becoming more incoherent than the last. You saw Ophelia removing his glasses and setting it aside, he then slipped under the same blanket, cuddling you.

"Sleep." He commanded, pressing a kiss on your cheek.

"Damn it, Ophelia. Go...cheat on me or something." You scoot away. Although you 'love' him, you hope that by acting cold, he would. So that breaking up with him would be MUCH easier.

Yeah, you anticipated that you'll feel a pinch in your heart. Maybe shed a few tears, but you value your career more than your relationship with Ophelia.

He was taken aback by your sudden... words. Go cheat on you? Why would he want to do that? How absurd of you to even think that 'cheating' even ever crossed his mind.

He loves you to bits. He wouldn't cheat on you even if it means giving up your life. He would rather see you die and follow you to the afterlife as a faithful man. Your faithful man.

In a way, to tell him to go cheat on you is a huge insult to the platinum blond.

Ophelia narrowed his heterochromatic eyes at you.

"Will you stop it?" You stayed silent, giving him the signal to go on.

"Stop it with your little attitude. It was cute then, now it's just getting into my nerves. If you want my attention, say it, you don't need to act like a huge ass about it." He scolded you.

"That's... the exact opposite of what I want." Your voice was muffled by the pillow. Your energy was drained and your body is sore. What can you do to get past his thick skull? What exactly can give him the message that you want some space? What can you do to make him give you what you want? don't really want to resort to breaking up with him now. If anything, it is going to damage your reputation further.

But then again, it might not if you knew how to handle it.

God, you need to consult your Public Relations team.

"I said stop it." He sternly reprimanded.

"Whatever, man." You shrugged. Ophelia frowned at your 'apathetic hostility'. He hates this so much, he hates it that you're rejecting him this much.

Now, there actually is a reason why he does not believe it when you said that you wanted space. From his past experiences, you would start fights or arguments with him when you're bored or attention deprived.

He thought that this was your way of demanding love from him. You never seem to request it from him directly and explicitly.

Little did he know, you weren't bored or attention deprived during those fights. You just really wanted some space. The real reason why you would 'melt' into his affections is because you were too tired to push him away. So you gave in.

This time, you won't give up. You want to tick him off to the point that he'll either cheat on you or break up with you first.


Will this affect your reputation? Damn, you should have consulted your PR team beforehand. Oh well, no turning back or else Ophelia will take your 'NOs' as a 'YES PLEASE'.

"What do you want, (y/n)? Kisses? Hugs? Sex? A new pair of sport shoes? A new, customized skateboard? I'm sick of this stupid little act of yours." He spat, letting his hands roam to your thighs. His lips peppered kisses on the back of your neck and head. It felt... desperate, almost like he's begging you to return the love he's giving or least stop refusing him.

You remained silent. Maybe if you ignore him long enough, he'll go away.

"Stop ignoring me. You're being such an asshole right now." He insulted. You snorted, but it did not earn any further reaction.

You heard an exasperated groan from him before feeling his weight lifted off you.

"Fine then. If you wanted space so badly, I'll give you 'space'." He got out of bed and stormed into the 'living room' of your hotel suite.

"I hope you're happy, (y/n)." He hissed from the other room.

You sighed in relief and your lips curled up into a glad smile.
"Very..." you muttered.

Finally, some peace and quiet.

You let yourself drift to sleep again...

Unaware that Ophelia is currently on the phone with his own PR team, making huge plans.

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