Should have thought about it

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A/n: sensitive topics might be covered in this chapter + boring chapter, mainly skippable

You woke up the next day to Ophelia, protectively hugging you close to him. Looks like he's exhausted from yesterday's... humiliation. Serves him right.

His eyes are closed and his face seem to hold some discomfort, is he having a nightmare? Hmm. You ponder ways on how to make that nightmare worse as revenge for putting you through everything.

Ah! You have an evil idea.

You lowered your head down to his ear and whispered...

"I never loved you."

Satisfied, you carefully pried his arms away from your stomach and got out of bed. Odd, he's still asleep. You'd expect him to wake up and yell at you for doing that to him.

Instead, his eyes are squeezed shut and a stray tear rolled down to his pillow. You nonchalantly shrugged and tiptoed to the bathroom.

Soon, Ophelia hands began to subconsciously search for your presence. The lack of warmth and the addition of the unfamiliar cold woke him up.

The platinum blond shot up and darted his heterochromatic eyes everywhere, panicking at your absence.

"(Y/n)!?" He yelled, voice groggy and desperate.

"In here." You called out from the bathroom. Your boyfriend sighed in relief and relaxed his shoulders.

His fingers then reached out to touch his cheeks, it's still wet with his tears. Hell, the dream was so intense that tears are still rolling down his smooth cheeks.

"Why...?" He mumbled, sniffling in the process.

Ophelia laid back down, bundling himself with the blankets. Last night really messed him up badly. Yes, initially he wasn't as bothered, but as the night flew by...

The memory of you rejecting his marriage proposal was killing him. He tried to convince himself that it wasn't that big of a deal as you're just being typical 'you', playing 'hard to get'.

But another side of him is saying that you didn't love him enough to accept it. It was digging into his insecurites, he does not understand why would you reject him.

As he is unable to see his own flaws. What a narcississt.

Out of so many things you did with the intention to mentally wound him, your rejection to his proposal hurts him the most.

He took a deep breath and wiped his tears away. Ophelia told himself that it is nothing but an extremely vivid dream. Though, it was hard to convince himself that especially it felt so real.

It's almost like you were there, telling him you never loved him.

The blond cleared his throat and got out of bed too.

"You didn't pack my skateboard?" You asked, going through the items he brought from his home.

"Why would I? This is our little getaway, not a silly tour performance." Ophelia gently brushed his hair with a hairbrush.

You opened your mouth to say something, but you closed it immediately after. It's too early in the morning to deal with Ophelia's issues.

"I'm going to grab breakfast." You shoved your hands in your pockets and walked to the door. Ophelia frowned as he quickened his movements.

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