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A/n: short chapter and thanks Dreamycassette for the suggestion of adding a character with guardian angel complex

Keep in mind, (almost) all my books are connected to each other in some way ;)


Ophelia stared into your eyes with a predatory gaze. You're shivering with fear and anger, you don't know what to do.

Your career is what kept you going, but by saying either yes or no, it will end.

You're panicking, you really are.

It doesn't help that the other customers around you were watching intently. They had expectant smiles on their face and their cameras are pointed towards you and your toxic boyfriend.

Ophelia is loving every single second of this. He loves seeing you this powerless and vulnerable.

You sniffled and did not say or do anything yet. You thought about it logically, will it be easier for you to get out of the relationship when you say 'yes'? It will put a strain on your PR team—

Wait. That's a good idea.

"" His ears perked up at your meek mumble.

"Sorry but, no." Gasps could be heard. Shock washed over Ophelia's face, he had NEVER expected you to refuse him. How dare you, looks like he'll need to push it further.

"...why..?" His voice wavered. You eyed the tears rolling down his perfectly smooth skin, you couldn't tell if he's genuinely feeling rejected or he's doing this to pressure you into changing your answer.

"...Am I not good enough f-for you?" He continued, letting out a convincing sob. At the same time, he tapped his feet on the ground twice, to give someone a 'greenlight'.

Your eyes widened when you heard someone 'booing'. Soon, more and more people joined in to shame you for rejecting Ophelia.

He wept, staring at you with such hurt filled eyes.

"Or... do you have someone else in mind...?" You paled, that's... a low blow, you're definitely going to get attacked later.

"I love you, I really do—"

"C'mon, Ophelia. Y-you can't just pr-propose to me now. Cause..." you gulped before continuing.

"...cause we only dated for two months. I don't know you that much y-yet." The crowd went silent. Ophelia even froze in shock, oh no.

How did he not see that opening? He should have declared that the both of you were dating for two years.

"I-I'm not uh, saying no. Or yes, I sayin' I wanna— I uh, wanna... get to know you b-better." You felt like you just ran through a marathon.

"...we were together for two years, (y/n)." He knitted his eyebrows to express his heartbreak. At this point, you rolled your eyes and said 'screw it'.

"Goddamn it, Ophelia! Stick to one script, who's script are we following now? Your PR team's or mine?" What a plot twist, everyone in the room checked their devices if they're getting this on film.

You smirked at your dumbfounded boyfriend when you heard louder gasps.

You know that this is going to hurt your reputation, but at least you won't go down alone. Ophelia would be branded as a 'faker' too.


"ARGHH goddamn it! At this rate, we are gonna need a PR team for our PR team. Guys! Go, go, go, get to work! Declare that all of this shit is a PR stunt, issue a public apology letter for it and place the blame on Ophelia's PR team for not communicating well. Go! Before Ophelia's team beat us to it!" A woman shoos her subordinates away. She is the leader of your Public Relations team and runs a moderately sized office dedicated to your public image.

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