Help is on the way

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Warning! Slight lemon!


"You're such a bitch." Ophelia spat vehemently at you.

Your eyes remained trained on the television.

"Says the dumbass who's literally eating my pussy out." You nonchalantly retorted, changing channels by clicking the remote. Ophelia rolled his eyes and sunk his head back in.

You wince and clench as his tongue glides over your sensitives spots. His tongue is long.

After bringing up the idea that his marriage proposal was a PR stunt, Ophelia immediately kept the ring back into his pocket, got up and paid for the meal. He then dragged you along with him back to the elevator, red faced.

Of course, there were people who chased after the both of you, trying to get a scope of what happened. Ophelia blocked them from entering the elevator.

The whole ride back up to the suite was silent and tense, though that didn't stop him from offering to perform oral sex on you later.

Which you gladly agreed to.

You were about to climax, your fingers gripped on the sheets tightly as your jaw was clenched together.

But then,

"Hey! Why did you stop?!" You half-yelled, still aroused and frustrated.

"You look like you were in pain, (y/n). And this is also for being such an asshole to me lately." He gently flicked your forehead before storming away to the bathroom.

"Damn it!" You cursed, it's half done and it feels terrible. It's like when you're about to sneeze but something interrupted you, so it never happened.

You squeezed your legs together and pushed your head into the pillow, screaming as loud as you could to release all that pent up anger.

And sexual tension. How sad, you didn't get to climax this time.

"Goddamnit!" You slammed your fist against the mattress.

Ophelia has a content smirk on his face as he brushes his teeth. Ah, the shrieks of your annoyance, music to his ears.

"Wow." Mathea looked around the lobby, it's so grand and beautiful. She loves how the chandelier is shiny and pretty.

She frowned, her dress is... plain in comparison to other guests. It's decent, just not as eye catching.

"I'm going to meet (y/n)..." The woman's face heats up again, she placed a hand on her cheek. Mathea is a long-time supporter of yours, she idolized you and enjoys watching you do what you love.

She loves that you're firm, decisive and endearing. Mathea frequently daydreamed of you in her arms, resting your head peacefully in between her soft breasts.

She always dreamt of being your girlfriend. Actually, she wanted to be your girlfriend so badly, that is why she worked hard to earn a spot in your PR team. She believed that if she has enough patience, she can get closer to you and eventually become your girlfriend.

But then, upon recruitement, she found out that you were dating Ophelia the whole time.

Mathea cried herself to sleep almost everyday, thinking that she's such a fool to think that she can compete with someone like Ophelia.

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