First night (NSFW!)

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Warning! (Slight) lemon!

Read at your own risk!










Ophelia ran his fingers through your hair, whispered sweet nothings in your ear...

As he pounded you senseless.

He thrusts himself in and out of you, sending intense waves of pleasure after each push. His lips would graze over the most sensitive areas of your neck, teasing you.

You never really cared or paid attention to the words he would huskily whisper in your ear. You wished that he didn't do that so it would be less distracting. You believed that you will enjoy the pulses of ecstacy even more if he shuts up.

He loves doing all the work. Ophelia doesn't let you move or lift a muscle, he would make you stay still as he singlehandedly pleasure you and himself.

Hm, sometimes it's... suffocating. He would hungrily devour your lips, slipping his tongue into your mouth every chance he gets. But he does know when to release and let you catch your breath so you won't faint mid thrust.

He would try all kinds of moves and all of them never fails to make you climax. He's just extremely experienced and skilled.

Maybe a bit too skilled (and too 'well built'). You would sometimes pass out from the overwhelming flood of pleasure filling your body. If that happens, he would immediately stop, clean you up a bit, wrap you in a blanket— ensuring that you'll be warm then kiss your forehead before finishing himself off (if he's still aroused).

He would never agree to proceed with the deed if there were no condoms available. The thought of having children sickened him, he wouldn't want them to steal your attention away from him.

Instead, he would offer to perform oral sex on you. Odd enough, he refuses to let you perform oral sex on him, complaining that he doesn't want you kissing him with his own semen.

What a hypocrite, he doesn't seem to have any qualms about kissing you with your fluids on his lips.

At least he's great licker and would brush his teeth after every session without protest.

Back to the present, your eyes rolled to the back of your skull. You felt lightheaded and disoriented from his treatment... coupled with the hair stroking and teasing kisses that are giving you fierce tingles all over your body, you're probably going to pass out.

And you loved every single bit of it.

You always thought that Ophelia has a wonderful aim, every time his member rams into you, it manages to hit your sweet spot.

Or maybe he's just huge in size. You don't know, you don't care, it does the job perfectly.

You can't even make a sound, let alone moan or scream. This worries him because he can't tell if you're unconscious or not.

"...h-huh? Why did you stop?" You slurred. Ophelia pressed the back of his hand against your forehead to check for a fever.

"You weren't making any noises or movements. I assumed that you've fainted." He caressed your cheek. You blinked multiple times, struggling to keep your eyes open.

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