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You woke up on your own. Frowning as you felt his arm wrapped around your waist and your back is pressed against him. He just can't seem to stay away from you.

Ophelia's fingers are intertwined with yours, his thumb caresses the back of your hand rhythmically.

"Are you ready to grow up yet?" You could hear the annoyance in his voice. You exhaled.

"Nah, I don't think so. I'm not goin back to be a pushover." You gave him a dismissive wave. He growled and moved away from you.

"You're so rude." He (gently!) hurled a pillow at your face.

"Fine by me." You mumbled. Ophelia clenched his jaw, sure. Let's see if you can keep up with this silly facade when he gives you a 'surprise'.

A grumbling sound snapped Ophelia out of his angry thoughts. What was... that?

"Ergh..." you placed a hand on your belly. You are... starving.

You yawned and stretched, popping a few joints here and there.

However, as soon as you land your right feet on the carpeted ground...


"(Y/n)!" Ophelia rushed to you.

"Ow, damn me." You cursed as you rubbed your forehead. Your legs are still wobbly and weak from last night.

"What's wrong?" He cooed, lifting you up in his arms, cradling you like a baby.

"You have a good dick." He rolled his eyes at you.

"Too good, in fact... you can't even walk properly now." He narrowed his eyes at you.

"No more sex until you get yourself checked up." You furrowed your eyebrows at him.

"Why? I'm free from any STDs." He shook his head, carrying you with him as he chooses your outfit for the day.

"This isn't about any... sexually transmitted diseases. I'm worried that I was too rough on you. I might have torn something inside." You grimace at his words. Ouch, that doesn't sound nice.

He sighed. "We need to do something about your fashion sense... or lack thereof." He picked a long sleeved shirt and a pair of baggy jeans up from the duffel bag.

"A daredevil don't need to be fashionable, a daredevil only needs to be geared up." You replied. Ophelia snorted.

"Daredevil... what a pathetic title. Your so-called 'fans' are interested in your ridiculous stunts because they just want to see you get hurt. Maybe you should try something else more... respectable. Like, fashion?" He then moved to the bathroom.

You have SO many witty things in your mind that you wish to say. But you're too tired to argue with him and you knew once you start a fight, there is no end unless he 'wins'.

Might as well let him 'win' now.

"Whatever you say, Ophelia. Your word is the law." The blond did not like your tone.


"Hey, what the hell. I get called a prick if I say somethin' and I get called a prick if I DON'T say nothin'." You complained.

"I don't like your tone. You're obviously still having that attitude. Lose it." He snarled. You pursed your lips and shrugged silently.

Nothing can get past his thick skull anyways. God, why did you go after him in the first place again? Was it because of his looks? His skill in bed?

You frowned, he was nice before. Well, actually, his personality is just 'okay'. Maybe you chose to be with him because you somehow like the scandalous rush of 'hiding' from everyone.

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