A 'Date'

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You grumbled. Ophelia is really out there taking advantage of this newfound fame. Guess what was your 'date'?

He brought you to a five star hotel and booked a few nights there. You argued that you did not pack at all, turns out he already packed a bag of necessities for the both of you.

It does not help that he brazenly exposed his face while checking in at the lobby. You? You looked like a fool. You covered yourself from head to toe, you even wore gloves to hide your unique scar.

While the waiting for the professional and polite receptionist to fetch the key cards, Ophelia wouldn't stop giving you affectionate kisses, hugging you and subtly glancing at the cameras pointing at the both of you.

He shot his signature, seductive grin at one while suggestively holding you in his arms. It's so perfect that it's almost as if the photo was well planned.

The paparazzi that took the photo had to visit the bathroom to cool his blush down.

Ophelia would try to remove your sunglasses, (f/c) face mask and baseball cap under the guise of 'fixing' your appearance. But really, he just wanted you to be seen in public with him.

Obviously, everyone already knows that you're there. Who else would Ophelia touch and love like that?

You swatted his hand away, grinding your teeth in anger under the mask. You are planning to paint Ophelia as an 'unfaithful man' with the help of your PR team. As long as your disguise covers your face, there is a chance you can pull it off—

"Oh~? Is that a skateboard park I see?" Your ears perked up.

"Where?" You whipped your head to the direction of his index finger.

Only to stare directly into a camera lens.

"Hey what—"

In one swift movement, Ophelia removed your sunglasses, mask and baseball cap before pressing his lips against yours. It was soft, moist and warm, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

Under normal circumstances, you would have melted into his gentle touches. But now...

You wanted nothing except to see Ophelia burn in a fire. What a dirty trick! He set you up!

You know you can't just shove him away! You'll be labeled as an 'abuser', 'ungrateful', 'asshole' and receive more hate from the public. Why? It's because he has privileges. He has a pretty face to win everyone's hearts. Well, a prettier face than yours.

He pulled away, there was a thin string of saliva connecting both pairs of lips together. He smirked and pushed his glasses up before returning his focus to the receptionist.

"Thank you." He flashed a charming smile at the employee. She tried her best not to squeal as she handed him the hotel key cards.

"Hey, give it back!" You hissed at your boyfriend, trying to snatch your sunglasses, mask and cap back.

Ophelia narrowed his eyes at you as he teasingly dangled the items in the air. He secured the key cards in his pocket first.

"Then take it from me, little mouse." He playfully taunted, you tried grabbing it by jumping, but he's just too tall!

Ophelia pressed his cheek against his free palm. An adoring smile made its way to his face, he giggled at your futile attempts.

"...god, you're so cute..." He mumbled, watching you hop up and down. Ophelia had to resist the urge to sweep you off your feet, carry you bridal style and shower you with kisses like he always do.

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