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"F...finally..." Mathea gasped and wheezed, she had to lean against a wall to support herself. She has finally reached floor twenty one.

The woman smiled and wiped the sweat off her brow, she then stood up straight. She fixed her hair, her dress and her ribbon on her waist. She wants to look her best when she meets you.

The woman took a deep breath as she placed a hand on the door handle—

Wait! One more thing.

She adjusted her bra, so it looks like she has larger assets. She grinned and giggled to herself, pink dusting on her face in the process.

At last, she held her breath as she opened the fire door...

To reveal a very spooked you. You looked like you were also about to open the door.

You're wearing a bathrobe, a pair of jeans and a pair of hotel slippers. Looks like you didn't have much time to choose your style.

Both of you stared at each other, wide eyed. Your face getting paler by the second as Mathea's is getting redder by the second.

The woman in front of you is a little plump, but she's adorable in your eyes. Short, black hair that reaches to her jaw, round, doe-like green eyes, long eyelashes and full lips.

Her freckles are a nice touch too.

It's nice that she wore a casual, baby blue high waisted dress that reaches just a few inches past her knees.

You could see that there's a blue ribbon behind her waist.

Star-strucked, Overwhelmed and embarrassed, Mathea started to tear up. She brought her hands up to her face, shielding it from you.

"I...It's n-nice to meet y-you, miss (y-y-y-y/n)!" She squeaked, choking on her own sobs. "I'm— I'm s-so happy to f-finally meet you in—in person!"

Mathea sniffled, wiping her tears of joy away with the sleeve of her dress.

Her body was bursting with happiness, you! You're standing in front of her! She can't believe it, her biggest crush ever, in front of her! Mathea pinched herself to test if she's dreaming.

She's not. This made her cry harder, she loves you so much, she's your biggest fan ever.

"Did you like... climb twenty-one flights of stairs to get here?" She nodded, her lips trembling and her eyes teary.

"...I...I'm your biggest fan..." she croaked out, nervously twidling her fingers.

"Cool, you'll get an autograph later. I just need to get the hell away from Ophelia for a while, 'scuse me." You gently pushed her away before descending the stairs.

She felt like her heart could burst out of her chest any second, you touched her! You blessed her with a touch, oh, she is so happy! What a wonderful day, it's like a dream come true!

Well, partially true. You and her are still not dating yet.

"W-wait, m-miss (y/n)!" She tried following you, but you were doing parkour to reach the bottom.

You crouched and slid down the handrails, hopping when there is a break so you won't trip and face plant on the ground.

When Mathea reached the nineteenth floor, you're already at the fifteenth. You're so agile and capable, like a monkey swinging from tree to tree.

She stood there in awe, that was so 'awesome'.

"W-wait! Miss (y/n)—"

"Shh! You're gonna alert everyone, keep it down!" You hissed back from the tenth floor.

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