1.2 Moira

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The next few weeks are wonderful. I visit with Raven almost every night, showing her tricks and she returns them. Even Charles sometimes joins in on the fun.

Today is our graduation ceremony, we are all beaming with joy.

"Professor of Genetics...Y/n Elizabeth Aquila." A man announces and I walk on stage, receive my diploma and quickly walk off.

"Professor of Genetics...Charles Francis Xavier." The man announces at the end. We exit the stage, getting tackled by Raven.

"I'm so proud of you!" She says to me. "So how does it feel to be a Professor?" She asks us.

"Oh, don't call me that. You don't get to be called professor until you actually have a teaching position." He explains and I nod.

"I know, but it suits you." She smiles.

"Doesn't suit me." I joke and Raven nods too.

"Definitely doesn't suit this wild animal, suits the old man though." She teases.

"Raven?!" I laugh.

"Oh, don't say that. Do say 'Let's go have a drink,' though." Charles replies.

"Let's go have a drink." She responds.

"Great idea." I smile and we make our way to the usual bar. We make it to the bar with all the other graduate students. The bartender offers us a pint and a half on the house and we chug it to the crowd, chanting. I proceed to have a few more beers, as does Charles, and I even slip Raven one instead of her coke.

It seems like time could and should never end, that we could all be happy forever. We all know, however, that life gives us good times to provide us with strength through the hard times.

"Oh here we go again." I nudge Raven as Charles approaches a woman.

"When is he actually going to find a good one? You know someone he should actually be with?" She rolls her eyes.

"I mean...who knows?" I reply, looking at his beautiful hair and eyes. Charles is very attractive, and now a good friend. I can't see why women won't date him.

"You know Y/n, when I found out you were a telepath, I thought you would be good for him." She giggles and I sit up.

"Really?" I ask back, she gives me a smirk.

"You've thought about it too?" She beams.

"What? Charles and I? No, I couldn't see it." I try to lie.

"Well, my best friend deserves a good guy, and Charles is one, but I guess your true man must out there somewhere." She sighs as Charles makes his way over to us.

"Raven, Y/n, this is Moira MacTaggart." He shows us the girl and we totally judge her.

"Y/n Aquila?" She asks me.


"I've read your work too, it's quite fascinating." She tells me and I thank her.

"If I am to be helping you about mutants, I need my sister with me." Charles tells her and Raven and I perk up. "And Y/n should come as well. She's researched in the area too."

"Of course of course." Moira smiles. "We'd love to have two experts I'm sure. This is quite wonderful, I'll arrange a meeting." She bids us goodbye.

"Charles, I can't go with you."

"Y/n you don't have anything to do!" Raven snaps. "You don't have a job, you have no responsibilities."

"Thanks, Raven." I roll my eyes.

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