2.06 Spine

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I wake up as we return to Charles' mansion. I get off the plane and make my way towards it.

"I haven't been here in so long." I mutter and begin to tear up. As we walk inside, Charles suddenly falls down.

"What happened?" Logan asks.

"Charles!" I shout going to his side as Hank goes to help Charles to his feet.

"Come on, up." Hank helps him to his feet as they struggle to walk.

"Why can't he walk?" Logan asks.

"He need his treatment." Hank explains as Charles is losing his ability to walk he starts regaining his telepathic powers.

"It's okay, I'll make it stop. I'll get it." Charles begs. Hank runs up the stairs to get the injection, Charles looks in deep distress.

"Hey, hey, pull yourself together. It's not over yet." Logan states.

"You don't believe that." Charles reads his mind.

"How do you know?" Logan asks confused.

Charles points to his legs. "As these go..." he points to his head, "this comes back. They all come back!" He shouts in horror.

"Look, I'm...I'm still here. She's still out there. But we need your help, Charles. Not like this, I need you. We can't find Raven, not without your powers." Logan explains as Hank comes back with the injection.

"I added a little extra cause you missed a dose." He gives the needle to Charles.

"Charles. I can fix your legs, but the question you have to answer, is your mind strong enough?" I ask.

"Charles." Logan begs. Charles looks at Logan and just as he's about to inject himself, he looks at me and he decides against it and puts the injection down.

"Could you give us a minute please?" Charles says to Logan and Hank. They get up and walk out of the room, leaving me alone with Charles. "Do it." He points to his legs.

"Charles listen it's going to be alright." I say putting my hands on his legs.

"I didn't think we'd get this far so soon." He jokes and I can't help but laugh.

"Calm down Charles, this might hurt." I tell him as I begin the energy transference. I think about generating more cells as I look and some purple energy is going in and healing his back wound. I keep pushing and pushing as Charles begins to groan. "Sorry, sorry." I keep the force going into him. I feel his spine and nerves reconnect. I eventually stop to see Charles staring at me, his eyes watering. "Are you okay?" I ask him. He moves my hand to be held in his.

"Absolutely, darling." He replies, gripping my hand firmly.

"Okay, lets start by moving your toes." I nod at him. He decides to move his entire leg.

"Wow, this is amazing! I can't believe it, my legs, my mind..." He laughs from his amazement. "You're amazing." He finishes looking at me. I can't help but feel so happy for him, so in love with him. My feelings are definitely returning quickly, and moments like this make me forget everything else. "We can be happy, we will be happy." He responds, I believe he heard my thoughts about us. We sit there, just staring at each other until Charles clears his throat. "Y/n, do me a favor. Would you help me to my study, please?" Charles asks.

"Of course." I get up, helping Charles stand, and walk over to his study, he then opens the closet door.

"Are you sure about this?" Logan asks.

"Absolutely not." Charles replies as we look at the cerebro hat. We begin walking towards Cerebro.

"You really did that?" Hank asks in wonder.

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