2.11 Nightmares

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Not even two seconds after I land in my classroom, I hear banging on my door.

"Y/n? Y/n?" It's Charles's voice.

"Yes Charles, come in." I say, happy to see him. I have cooled down a bit since talking to Erik, and sometimes Charles has to be patient with me, give me time to cool off and see how I overreact. Charles opens the door and runs over and swallows me in a hug.

"Oh my, where were you darling?" Charles pulls away to look at me, his hands in my hair.

"I spent the past couple of hours with Erik." I say, unsure of how he'll react.

"Oh good, you were with Erik, and he wouldn't let you get hurt." Charles sighs of relief. "I'm so sorry about what happened, please don't leave me like that ever again, those hours were the most agonizing hours of my life. I thought you'd never come back, I just hope you can forgive me."

"I'm just so happy to see you." I caress his cheek.

"You're not upset?" He asks confused.

"Charles, you are the most hopeful, inspiring, person I've ever had the good fortune of meeting. I could never be upset with you truly believing the best in humans." I smile at him, and kiss him on lips, and he returns it willingly. "Of course I forgive you." I smile at him. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment. "You're not upset that I saw Erik?" I ask slightly confused.

"Well, I'm glad your back now, I've missed you." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Erik asked me to tell you something." I say.

"Hmm?" He replies.

"Erik says hello, and you have his permission." I say, trying to read into Charles what this could mean. Charles opens his eyes and his smile turns into a gasp. "He said you have his permission, even though you don't need it." I finish and Charles's mouth turns into a wide grin.

"Really, that's what he said-thats what Erik said?" He seems to jump of joy. "Oh this changes everything my love." He kisses my cheek then begins to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" I ask confused.

"I-uh, have to do something, please go see Hank." He smiles at me and runs out the door.

'Okay' I think to myself. "Hank! Hankkk!" I call and he comes running up the stairs, the little nerd in all.

"Yes, Y/n?" He asks concerned.

"Do you know where Charles went?" I ask him.

"N-No." He stutters.

"Hank..." I tease, he definitely knows the answer. "Do I need to make you tell me the truth?" I ask. Hank doesn't respond so I change his brain to respond truthfully. "Where's Charles?" He still doesn't respond. "Would you rather me put Charles through this?" I ask him.

"Charles went out." He says.

"Very clever Hank." I chuckle.

"You don't want to know, Y/n. I swear you don't want to know." He huffs out, I release my control.

"Fine. Fine, you win Hank." I put my hands up in defeat and he looks extremely happy with himself. "Oh no!" I shout and Hank looks confused. "We are supposed to be running a school!! It's 9:00, we have to make sure the kids are in bed!" We both look alarmed and then move quickly to get the kids to quiet down. Hank runs down one hallway and I run down the other. If he has any issues, I put them to sleep. Usually we don't have problems though. I walk into jeans room to seethings floating around her in her sleep. She then begins to scream as I open the door so I run over to her.

"Jean." I whisper as she begins to toss and turn. Oh I need Charles to get into her head right now. I try grabbing her to calm her down but she is flailing like crazy. I try to use my purple energy to calm her down, and I send it towards her brain to create happy dreams. She then puts her hand on my arm and projects images to me. Pain, destruction, fire, 'the world burns' a voice says into my head.

It seems that my energy worked but the bad images entered me. I stand up, shaking as my head pounds with pain. I slowly walk out, leaving her to sleep. Once I enter the hallway I see Hank across the room. I stumble towards him as he runs towards me and catches me. He helps me towards my room and when I go in I sit down, and close my eyes with exhaustion.

My head keeps throbbing with paralyzing pain. Fire, people dying everywhere. Every city being torn apart. Then, something changes. Someone enters my brain, I can feel it. 'Hello' it says. 'No!' I reply as I feel it try to pry information from me. I can hear Hank yell to me from a distance, but I can't seem to open my eyes. The voice keeps pushing and pushing but I am trying harder and harder to keep a barrier. I hear the screams of the people and the roaring fires, but then a light appears. 'Y/n open your eyes.' I hear Charles say from afar. 'Y/n please I need you to open your eyes.' He says again. Then I feel his fingers on my forehead and that familiar feeling inside my brain. I let Charles in and I open my eyes. He's staring at me with his fingers on my temple. The pain, the visions are gone. I look up at Charles with hope as he winces for a second with pain. He grunts then turns to me with concern.

"Are you alright?" He asks, very concerned.

"Of course I am Charles. You saved me." I smile at him and he smiles weakly back.

"What was that?" He asks me, caressing my cheek.

"Jean. She was having night terrors so I tried to stop them, then-then they went into me. Whoever it was Charles, they are going to destroy the world." My heart beats fast as I explain this. "D-did you see anything when you looked?" I ask him, my voice shaking.

"No, it left as soon as I came in." He says then moves both of his hands to my cheeks. "Oh my you're shaking."

"No, I'm fine Charles, I always am." I say slowly standing up. I turn to see Hank look at us with concern. "Thank you for your help Hank, but I think Charles can manage from here." I smile and Hank walks out. Charles holds my hand and pulls me back towards him.

"What is it darling, what did you see?" He asks again. I know I need to answer this time.

"I-he-whoever said something to me. He couldn't figure out who I was but he said he needed me on his team. He said I was going to help bring humanity back." I say confused, repeating the words in my head to try to understand who this was. Charles gives me a look of concern. "I guess when I took the nightmares away from Jean, he somehow entered my brain. It's a good thing he didn't get in yours Charles. You're too powerful, I fear he would control you, or try to kill you." I say and Charles can sense that I'm still overwhelmed. "I'm fine Charles. It's over now, I've been through worse." I weakly smile at him.

"Okay, lets just get you ready for bed." He ushers me after him and forces me to change.

"So where were you earlier?" I ask him finally.

"Oh I was just um, out. I'll tell you tomorrow, how about that?" He smiles at me and I accept it. I follow him to the bed where we get in and lay next to each other. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier..." he begins and brushes his hand over my cheek.

"Charles I forgive you."

"I truly am, I made a mistake, I could never imagine my life without you in it." He leans in and gently kisses my lips. I've been craving him this entire day, which seems to have lasted a lifetime.

"Charles..." I whisper then kiss him again, passionately this time as he accepts forcefully. Then the moon goes high into the sky, illuminating the room around us, giving the perfect ambiance for what happens next.

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