3.3 You're Back

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Once we make it back to the Xavier Mansion we walk inside.

"I've read so much about this place. But being here, it actually seems kind of...familiar." Moira says looking at the ground before we open the doors.

"It's strange. It could be quite. Shall we?" Charles says opening the doors as I roll my eyes.

"Charles...I forgot to ask, do you have a wife?" She just comes out and says it. "Oh forgive me, I didn't expect my thoughts to be said out loud." She covers her mouth.

"The truth always comes out." I smirk and walk ahead of everyone. "And yes, I'm his girlfriend." I sass and grab Charles's hand, pulling him along with me. Charles gives me a glare and I just shrug my shoulders.

"Hank. You in here? I'd like you to meet the..." Charles stops as we look up to see Raven.

"Moira." She announces.

"Raven?" Charles and I ask, as she is in her non blue form.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" Moira asks her.

"Hank, Alex, agent MacTaggert, would you give us just one moment please?" Charles says as Raven steps aside, Charles and I walk forward with her. Hank and Moira make small talk.

"Charles, why didn't she recognize me? She knew me in this form." Raven begins to understand.

"Well. After you left me on the beach in Cuba...I took her memories of that time. Have a seat." Charles beckons as we enter his study. He cannot stop smiling after seeing Raven, and neither can I.

"Lucky girl." Raven sits, I sit next to her.

"It's good to see you, Raven." I smile at her and she smiles back. "I know I speak for both of us-"

"Welcome home." Charles cuts me off.

"This isn't my house." Raven coldly responds.

"It was once." Charles sighs.

"No, it was your home. I just lived here. I barely even recognize it now." Raven looks around.

"Yeah, I have plans for this place. I mean to turn it into a real campus. A university. Not just for mutants, even for humans too. Living and working...growing together." Charles beams:

"You know, I really believed that once. I really believed we can change them after DC." Raven states.

"We did." I reply.

"No Y/n. They still hate and fear us. It's just harder to see because they're more polite about it. I got sick of living that lie." She rolls her eyes.

"That's why you're not in your natural blue form." Charles deduces.

"I'm not going to be the face of a world that doesn't exist." Raven sighs.

"Things are better. The world is better." Charles answers. I am a little skeptical about his statement.

"Maybe in Westchester. Out there, mutants are still running, hiding, living in fear. Just because there's not a war doesn't mean there's peace. If you want to teach your kids something, teach them that. Teach them to fight. Otherwise, they might as well live in this house for the rest of their lives." Raven hits Charles hard with that statement.

"Charles, I have to say I agree with Raven." I pat her shoulder and she looks happily towards me.

Charles puts his head down and the emotion begins to come out. "Really, Y/n? After all this time you still sound just like Erik." He breathes out.

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