3.2 Moira...again

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I walk up to Charles rubbing his hand across my cheek.

"Ready darling?" He asks me.

"Ready for what?" I groggily respond.

"We are going to the CIA today. Turns out Moira-"

"Nope." I cut him off. Charles sighs.

"Turns out Moira was at the center of the tremor. We need to see if she knows anything." He tells me. I debate my response in my head. "I'll be going, with it without you." I basically answers my question.

"Fine, I'll go." I stand up and we stare at each other, inches away.

"Everything's better with my favorite girl by my side." He smiles at me. I kiss his lips then go change.

"Just because you're being uncharacteristically nice and sweet doesn't make this any better!" I shout from the closet.

"No?" Charles asks from right behind me and I turn around to meet him, in my bra. "Doesn't make any difference?" He asks, stroking my bare arm with his fingers, giving me goosebumps.

"No." I roll my eyes and turn away from him. "Now get out!" I use my powers to throw a shoe at him and he finally leaves.

I exit in bold business professional clothes, with a slight tinge of skin. Even if Moira doesn't remember me, doesn't mean I can't be my best self. I check myself in the mirror and then walk down to meet Charles, Hank, and Alex. Hank made breakfast for all of us.

"The other teachers will be watching the students. I'll be headmaster for the day." Hank tells me and hands me a slice of bacon. I eat it gladly. Alex and Charles end their conversation to face me.

"Wow." Charles says looking at me. "This is nice." He chuckles a bit.

"I can tell someone wants to put Moira in her place!" Alex hypes me up and I laugh at them.

"We are visiting the CIA, I need to look nice. Women have way to many different types of attire. All men have to do is put on a suit. Sue me!" I get defensive and they 'oooo' at my sass.

"Haven't seen sassy Y/n in a while." Hank jokes and I glare daggers at him.

"Let's just go..." I huff and they follow me out. Charles comes up to me and grabs my hand.

"I think you need to calm down a little, hmm?" He asks me.

"Charles. We are going to see the woman whom you kissed then made me think you wanted more than me, so I have the right to be angry!" I fire at him and even he looks scared.

"Got your coffee." Alex hands me a to-go cup.

"Thank you Havoc. You seem to be the only one getting things today." I say loudly so the boys hear me. We all head towards Hank's plane. "No time." I roll my eyes and walk towards the group. "Touch me." I say and Hank and Alex give me wide eyes. Charles even looks surprised.

"I beg your pardon?" Hank asks, so awkward and young per usual.

"Just grab my arm or something so I don't leave you behind when I teleport." I answer.

"I need to stay here, you go." Hank says and we nod. Alex and Charles hold onto me and I concentrate on going to the CIA office.

We flash outside the CIA and Charles looks like he could puke.

"Haven't done that in a while." He holds his stomach.

"Yes sorry, it's worse on you guys when there is more people. Not sure what my limit is though." I comment.

"So Charles and Moira and Y/n, how'd you leave things?" Alex insinuates with Charles as we walk inside.

"I wiped her mind off all memories of us. The beach, Cuba, that whole time. It's so long ago, Alex. Before the world knew about mutants. Then I wiped Y/n's memories as well, I thought it would be the best thing for her..."Charles answers and I get slightly offended at the end.

"Alex, Charles told me he didn't remotely love me back. Erased my memory when I came back to be with him, and yes the last thing before that was argument about Moira." I rant.

"Why would you do that?" Alex asks him.

"It didn't really matter what was best for me, back then." Charles sighs. We open the door to Moira's office and enter.  "Moira MacTaggert. Hello. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Professor..."

"Charles Xavier - I know exactly who you are!" She responds gleefully, meanwhile we all share a glance.

"You do?" Charles asks hesitantly.

"Of course I do. I've read all of your papers. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." She grins widely at Charles. "-Moira MacTaggert." She says to the rest of us.

"Y/n Aquila." I sternly say back.

"Oh I know your work, you...you were in prison?" Moira then realized so I send purple energy to her brain to erase that memory.

"Alex Summers." He introduces himself.

"Have a seat. Just, throw that on the floor." She says and everyone sits except me.

"I'd rather stand." I say, arms crossed tapping my foot.

"It's wonderful to see you again. To meet you for the first time.You got a son? - Yes. - Does he have a husband or...Do you have a husband?" Charles gets flustered causing me to get increasingly annoyed.

"I had a husband, but... It's hard to do this job and make it home in time for dinner." Moira sighs. "Professor. Yes?" She asks.

"Yes. I was...we were hoping that you would tell us about what happened yesterday in Egypt." Charles explains.

"I'm afraid that's classified information. And, I don't mean to be rude, but... How did you get in here?" She asks confused.

"We have level 5 clearance." I explain and she nods.

"Ever since the world found out about mutants in '73, there have been cults who see them as some kind of second coming or sign of god. I was tracking one of them. They called themselves, Ashir En Sabah Nur, named after an ancient being they believed to be the world's first."

"The worlds first mutant." I breathe out, slowly connecting the dots.

"I thought mutants didn't evolve until this century." Alex states.

"That's the common theory, yes. But, these guys believe that the first mutant was born tens of thousands of years ago. And they believe he will rise again. They've been searching ancient sites all round the world for clues. These hieroglyphs described a specific set of powers greater than any man can possess." Moira continues.

"They think he lived all that time?" Alex asks.

"Yes and no. They believe he had the ability to transfer his consciousness from body to body, and whenever he was close to death he would just take on a new body. So, these may have been the bodies of mutants enabling him to take their powers amassing varies abilities over the years." Moira explains, causing the fear to set in.

"An all powerful mutant." Charles gasps and takes my hand, knowing I'm nervous. Moira pauses to look at our actions, then continues.

"Exactly. And wherever this being was, he always had 4 principle followers. Disciples. Protectors he would imbue their powers." She tells.

"Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. - He got that one from the Bible." Alex is happy to know something, but then Charles stands to look at me, and I him.

'Apocalypse' I project into his mind.

"Or the Bible got it from him. And wherever he ruled, eventually, it would end in disaster. Cataclysm. Some kind of... Apocalypse." Moira finishes.

"The end of the world." Charles and I say in unison.

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