Chapter twenty-one

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48 BC (Latium, Italia)

Aurelia kissed me before she went into the house again. I looked around and as I saw that all the other warlocks were busy, I followed her. Ever since that man came to the villa, she had been acting strange. He was big and fairly quiet. I had not even figured out who he was to her, no one of us had, so all I had were guesses. Some thought he was her master, the one who taught her everything she teaches us, but I knew it was something else. Judging by his magic signature at least. It is was too fragile to be able to teach such a powerful warlock as Aurelia. So as the moment was given me, I took it. I steered light steps after her. She went in through a door and I created a gap I could look through to be able to see them. He kissed her hand and she turned to him.

"So, what was so important that you needed to come here in person to tell me?"

I could feel his caution and fear to misstep all the way to where I stood.

"I do not like this lover-thing you have going on." he said frankly. "Love makes you weak and you do not have room for that."

For a few seconds, it was quiet, but Aurelia answered shortly after.

"That is something only one incapable of love would say – afraid of what powers love could bring to someone else."

"It is not just me, the counsel does not like the idea of you being too occupied in pleasing that girl of yours to not see the greater good for all of us."

Aurelia laughed with a total lack of humour and her voice turned dark and unrecognisable.

"Do you have any idea of who you are speaking to? The things I have succeeded with to get her by my side? I compelled a whole roman division and no one will ever remember anything. She can become as powerful as me and with her, not even the angels will be able to stop us. I love her and nothing tear us apart."

"Aurelia, this is madness! I am taking ov-" the man exclaimed, but got interrupted by Aurelia who drove a knife through his stomach.

"No one will ever take her from me."

I had to cover my mouth with the palm of my hand to not say anything. I could not believe it. Cleopatra was right. Before his body hit the ground, I had already sent a fire message to Cleopatra and got out from the house. I knew that I could not make a portal, because it could be traced and it would only lead her right to me. What I needed was to escape the old classic way.

Before anyone saw me, I was out in the garden and first then, my legs failed me. I sat down behind an apple tree and tried to control my breath. I knew something was off, but I could never have imagined something like this. A whoosh went through the air and I turned around to catch the note. It appeared through flames as I took it, making it able to read.


Tonight, everything shall be ready,



I threw it away, letting it burn up, but suddenly Wilson appeared next to me. He just looked at me for a while, before his gaze moved out over the lake.

"I hope you have it all figured out." he said and I turned to him and was just about to say something when he stopped me. "Do not say a word. I cannot lie to her and I just wanted you to know that I wish you the best of luck ... in the future. I am not stupid, Clarissa af Warlock, I have seen many things in this house which you only starting to understand. I hope you will answer me with consideration, since if she asks me only one question and I cannot help you anymore."

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