Chapter thirty

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Ca 100 AD (Maya Civilization, Mesoamerica)

I was deep into my own world when I suddenly got pulled out of my thoughts by a voice I had grown quite familiar with the last couple of years.

"Clarissa! Where are you?"

I turned towards Huaca's voice and saw the small figure of his big ox-looking body far below me.

"I will be right down!" I called back at him and started climb down the long stairs towards the ground.

As I reached him, he grabbed my shoulders and looked deep into my eyes to make sure I was okay. When he had received enough information regarding the matter of my well-being, he sighed.

"You are impossible Clarissa! I have told you not to run away from the-"

"I cannot stay here, Huaca! I just met my uncle."

Huaca could do nothing, but look at me.

"You met your uncle?" he asked and I nodded before passing him, only to turn right back at him.

"I did. He told me ... things I do not know what to do with..."

He looked at me for continue, but when I did not, he made me with a:

"And...? What did he say? Did he ask you to do something or why did he come?"

"He told me that a great evil walks the Earth and that it somehow relates to my pedigree. I just cannot figure out what he wants me to do nor how..." I interrupted myself and looked up at Huaca again. "I have to establish a bigger prospective to figure this out and to do that I fear I have to leave. I cannot stay here, Huaca."

He looked at me seriously for a while before nodding.

"Of course. If you heart tells you to go, you have to follow it."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you."

"But you have to remember to visit!" he added quickly and I smiled before nodding.

I kissed Izem goodbye thus I knew he would not be happy on the other side of the great sea. After a log hug, I opened up a portal. Before I walked through, I took a long look at Huaca and Izem.

"Stay safe." I said and he smiled.

"I always am." he answered right before I stepped backwards into the portal.

Ca 100 AD (Votadini, Northern Britannia)

As I felt how my feet took ground once again, I still could not open up my eyes. The earthy smell. Sound of water dancing in the flood beside me. The wind playing tag among the treetops. I knew exactly where I was and I could not get myself to open my eyes to it. I took a deep breath to calm myself before I forced my eyelids up. The empty glade looked exactly like I remembered it and I could almost see the people of the tribe set the tents and feed the horses even if it was about 200 years ago. My gaze travelled around the place until memories appeared like visions in front of me. I could see how the rider fell of his horse and how mother ran to his rescue only to almost get killed. I followed both mother and the small pale child that was me through it all and saw once again the blade that made its way through her chest. The pain appeared once again through my body and was just as strong, even if I could not remember a single face of the people surrounding me. As the force field that burned through the camp was realised from the little white-haired girl at my feet, it all disappeared. My gaze travelled towards the place of the white oak and once I understood what I was doing, it was too late. I saw how the majestic tree were still reaching towards the sky with the same exact big branch as thick and confidently strong as I remembered it. As I touched the birch bark a wave of unpleasant feelings hit me and the scream of a woman being tortured filled the silence around me. I felt how my eyes filled with tears before I was able to jerk my hand away.

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