Chapter 20 - Part 1 Noah

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I don't think I need to throw out the word smut for this chapter but as Matt said, there may be some "handsy stuff." Holy water optional.

In this book I'm trying to write a realistic teenage relationship. If anyone has an issue then pretend they are over 18.


"I'll get a blanket and pillow for the couch." I said, as we stepped into my trailer.


I turned to go to my closet, flicking on the light switch as I went and squinting from the sudden brightness.

"Noah wait."

I spun back around to look at her.

"I don't need it."

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying not to get my hopes up.

"You know what I mean. The bed is big enough and more comfortable so I don't think I'll sleep on the couch."

"Oh... okay." I tried to hid my excitement.

"But don't try anything Schnapp."

"Of course not."

"Except maybe some kissing."

I got the chills but tried to hide my excitement. We were dating again and kissing was normal so I had to just play it cool

"Should we practice some of that handsy stuff Shawn was talking about?" I said jokingly.

"I'll think about it."

My heart skipped a beat. Did she actually just agree to to that? I had been joking and expecting her to roll her eyes at me. I suddenly wished I knew the exact definition of handsy.

"Wait really?"

"Oh my god Noah lets stop talking about it and just see what happens."

"Right sorry."

"I want to shower first though."

"Yeah of course go ahead. There soap in the bathroom and walls and stuff."


"Yeah, like around the shower... I'm sorry I'm nervous obviously there are walls."

Millie chuckled and disappeared into the bathroom.

I tried to sit down on the edge of my bed but missed and landed on the floor instead. I barely even noticed. I was still trying to process what she just said. Obviously I joke around all the time but when she actually suggest doing more than kissing... I mean I'm new to it all. I was nervous as fuck. What if I-

"Noah! Theres no towel." Millie yelled from the bathroom.

"Sorry I'll grab one for you."

I got up and walked to my closet, grabbing the first towel I found.

I walked to the bathroom door, which was slightly ajar and passed the towel through to Millie. I  made sure to look away as I did so incase she had already take off her cloths.

I heard the shower turn on a few seconds later and sighed, knowing I had a few minutes to myself. I gathered some cloths and changed out of my wet ones. Then I sent a quick text to my manager, explaining I would need a flight to New Mexico in the morning.

Eventually Millie came out of the bathroom, with the towel wrapped around herself. She held it at her chest with one hand, allowing the rest to hang down and just cover her waist. I glanced down at her exposed legs, taking it all in.

I had seen her wearing Bikinis that were much more revealing but I knew that something about this moment was different. She could have asked for a change of cloths. She could have asked me to look away or get her a bigger towel. But she didn't. She wanted me to see.

My brain told me that this was my best friend and I shouldn't stare but as she stepped into the light, I just gazed at her body. I glanced over her damp hair and her smooth skin and her red lips.

"Millie you look..."

"Terrible I know. I didn't have any make up and-"

"You do not  look terrible."

"Noah my hair isn't even-"

"Millie you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

She froze, as if she was surprised to hear my words. But it wasn't a surprise to me. It was the most obviously thing in the world that she was beautiful and I had know it for a long time. It just felt good to finally say it.

I stood up and started to walk toward her. A grin spread across her face and quickly turned into a smirk.


I silenced her but crashing my lips into hers. Our arms instinctively wrapped around each other and I wasted no time, opening my mouth and inviting her tongue forward. It felt like we had done this a million times.

We would kiss for a few seconds and then pull away and flicker our eyes open to look at each other and then return to kissing once again. We pulled that pattern like we had done it a million times.

Every few seconds Millie adjusted her towel and eventually pulled away to adjust it further so it didn't fall down.

"Sorry Noah it keep slipping."

"It's okay." I said, even though I wished we could go back to making out. A thought occurred to me and I daringly leaned in and quietly whispered, "It's kind of turning me on."

Millie looked up quickly and I thought she was about to smack me. Instead, lifter both of her hands to my head and pulled my lips to hers, kissing me slowly and deeply with even more love and passion than before.

I was in heaven

I barely even noticed the towel fall to the floor. I almost didn't notice her hands tugging at my shirt, lifting it over my head and tossing it into the oblivion that surrounded us. It actually felt like there was nothing around us. No trailer. No tv show set. No Earth.

Just us.

Nothing else mattered

I was smilling. Even laughing in between kisses. I was so happy and so in love  and I knew that Millie was too. To feel love is one thing but to be loved is a gift beyond words. We were discovering something we never knew we had been missing and it was incredible.

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