Script #9

158 7 1


Elva: What. What do you want.

Angela: You know how you're always so cold? Well, I was thinking that I have an ice breaker especially for you!

Elva: Oh no. Not that again.

Angela: No no, just chill out, girl. Its all good.

Elva: Angela --

Angela: Did you check out that elderberry and mint drink the elves made? They look really refreshing and enticing, don't you agree?

Elva: Oh, for pain's sake --

Angela: Elva, you know, because your sooo snow awesome, I'm going to give you a compliment.

Elva: ANGELA -- !

Angela: No, I just gotta say that you're a really cool girl, you know, just icesome. Get it? I replaced 'awe' with 'ice'!

Elva: Get out.

Angela: But --

Elva: Just get out. 

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