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"Shall we discuss the details at my office?" I reached out my hand waiting for her. Elaine seemed hesitant but she shook my hands.

"Of course, President" her answer made me delightful.

"President Kim are you sure about that?" Mrs. Roosevelt whispered beside me, she felt dissatisfied with my decision. I just nodded my head and she sighed. "It's your call" she finally gave up.

"Seolhee arranged my meeting with Ms. Elaine and Mr. Wang. If possible, I want it as soon as possible" I ordered and Seolhee obliged. I looked at them both and smiled. "I want you to have a portfolio about your designs, if possible" I told them and they just nodded with enthusiasm.

"Thank you for this opportunity President" they bowed showing their appreciation and respect.

"It's because you put your heart and mind into it" I smiled and bid my goodbye.

I stretched my arms. "I feel refresh" I can feel the burning stare behind my back. "Is there a problem?" I asked smiling. "I don't get you, although I'm your mentor I can't still get it" she looked confused.

"About what?"

"Why did you decide to buy their product and designs? I mean, well their work is not bad but compare to those students who participate in this years' Fashion show they are much more outstanding" she explained. Well, she is not wrong.

"Well, I guess it's because they fit my theme" I answered. She is deep in thought and her face brightens. "I got it, of course that's how you will think. I forgot that sometimes you have a peculiar way of thinking" she said. I don't know if it's a compliment or what but let's take it positively.

"What can I say? I mean my mentor is one of a kind as well" I answered and she just laughed.

"President, it's time for us to go" Seolhee reminded me and I just nodded.

"I'm happy to see you again Mrs. Roosevelt but I'm afraid that we need to go now. I still have meeting to attend" I said.

"You're too busy. I understand. Next time let's go out and have some dinner" she said and gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

I bowed my head slightly and Seolhee did the same. We bid our goodbye and went to the car.

Seolhee instructed the driver about our next destination. Should I take a nap?

"President you looked tired" she said in concern. "Perhaps do you want to cancel your schedule with Mr. Choi after the meeting and get some rest" she suggested but I shook my head. "Let's continue with my schedule. I just need a little nap" I said and looked at the window.

I need to finish my schedule this week so I can fulfill my promise with Taehyung.

"Your Saturday schedule is free though? Are you sure you don't want to move some of your work on that day?" she looked at me waiting for an answer.

"leave it free. I have an important appointment that day" I said with a smile on my face. She looked curious but she dropped the subject and focus her attention on the road.

I need to work harder this time.


Finally, I'm home!

I read Taehyung's message and he said the he's going to be late. What should I make for this dinner? I'm up for some ramen. Should I make one?

I was busy with my own thoughts that when my phone rings. I looked at the caller I.D and saw Martha's name. My face lit up upon seeing her name. It's been a while since I heard her voice.

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